The Lost Poems of Sean Siobhan (Part One):
The Sun Bursts Through by R.H.W. Dillard
The Ballad of Blaster Bill by Nelson Bond
Wise Counsel by Anita Allen
Last Night on Shore Leave by Cathy Reniere
The Lost Poems of Sean Siobhan (Part Two):
Hard to Think by R.H.W. Dillard
The Lost Poems of Sean Siobhan (Part Three):
How to Know (When Your'e in Love)
by R.H.W. Dillard
Cover by Ted Guerin. Edited by Mike and Anita Allen.
Reviews of 'New Dominions'
From The Roanoke (Va.) Times, Feb. 18, 1996
These stories, poems and sketches by Virginia writers don't have a
single theme, though there is a sense of humor to most of them. Bud
Webster's "The Slithery Dee" takes what might have been a Lewis
Carroll tale about a precocious little girl and gives it a gleefully
sardonic twist. Paul Dellinger's "Castle Watch" is a carefully compact
tale set in England. Nelson Bond's long narrative poem "The Ballad of
Blaster Bill" first appeared in 1941. In all, it's a fine collection,
brightened considerably by Ted Guerin's illustrations.
From Factsheet Five, Issue 60, 1996
A continuing series ... would be a good thing ... features some decent
fantasy stories from Vickie Murphy and Krystal Ruth Morgan and some
entertaining SF from Bud Webster and Paul Dellinger.