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Mike Allen wears many creative hats, at least one of them tailor-made by his wife and partner-in-crime Anita. Together they run Mythic Delirium Books, an imprint that’s home to the acclaimed Clockwork Phoenix anthology series and books such as Bone Swans by C.S.E. Cooney (World Fantasy Award winner for best story collection), Latchkey by Nicole Kornher-Stace (named one of the best young adult books of 2018 by Kirkus Reviews), Snow White Learns Witchcraft by Theodora Goss (starred review, Publishers Weekly) and The History of Soul 2065 by Barbara Krasnoff (starred review, Publishers Weekly).

A Nebula, Shirley Jackson and two-time World Fantasy Award finalist, Mike has written several poetry collections, including Strange Wisdoms of the Dead (a Philadephia Inquirer editor’s choice selection), The Journey to Kailash and Hungry Constellations; a twisted dark fantasy novel, The Black Fire Concerto; and three collections of strange and scary short fictions, Unseaming, The Spider Tapestries: Seven Strange Stories and Aftermath of an Industrial Accident. His latest personal project is a dark fantasy and horror anthology, A Sinister Quartet, produced in collaboration with C.S.E. Cooney, Amanda J. McGee and Jessica P. Wick.

His poems and stories have appeared in The Best Horror of the Year, Nebula Award Showcase, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, Strange Horizons, Weird Tales, H.P. Lovecraft’s Magazine of Horror, Cthulhu’s Reign, Solaris Rising 2, Tomorrow’s Cthulhu, Transmissions from Punktown, The Bible of Hell, Tales to Terrify, Podcastle, Pseudopod, The Drabblecast, Kaleidocast, Santa Clara Review, Artemis, Not One of Us, Lackington’s and many more publications.

By day he works as a news reporter and arts and culture columnist for the daily newspaper in Roanoke, Va., where he and Anita live with a cat so full of trouble she’s named Pandora. (We’re kidding, mostly, about the cat’s troublemaking tendencies.) You can follow Mike’s exploits as a writer at descentintolight.com, as an editor at mythicdelirium.com, and all at once on Twitter at @mythicdelirium.

You can contact Mike at mythicdelirium[at]gmail[dot]com.

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