Archive for the ‘Clockwork Phoenix’ Category

30th Anniversary Celebration Interview and Sale: Part Three

/ September 25th, 2022 / No Comments »

Six dark fantasy and horror titlesdiscounted to 99¢for an early Halloween start See a map of how my stories and upcoming novel connect Read the beginning of my 30th anniversary interview Read the second part of the interview How did you rise to become the

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My Readercon schedule & a new edition of STRANGE WISDOMS OF THE DEAD

/ July 9th, 2018 / No Comments »

There’s two big events on my horizon this week. The first is the online release of Nicole Kornher-Stace’s novel Latchkey, which happens Tuesday. The second thing is: Readercon! As I noted over at the Mythic Delirium blog, Anita and I will be running a Mythic

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/ December 4th, 2017 / No Comments »

The December issue of Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field is now in stores, and it contains something that’s, from my perspective, very unusual: a 4,600-word interview with me! New York Times-bestselling, multiple-award winning author Seanan McGuire is the headliner, as

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World Fantasy nomination & Tanith Lee panel at WorldCon 75

/ August 5th, 2017 / No Comments »

I put up a long post at the Mythic Delirium Books website about the World Fantasy Award nominations for my anthology Clockwork Phoenix 5 and for Rachael K. Jones’s story in it, “The Fall Shall Further the Flight in Me.” In that entry, I wrote

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New story sales and stranger things

/ May 16th, 2017 / No Comments »

Back in September, I threw myself full tilt into a long overdue redraft of my fantasy/horror novel Trail of Shadows, after about a year and a half of occasionally pecking at it while dealing with obligations related to Clockwork Phoenix 5. This past Sunday, I

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Locus Poll + Hugo eligibility/WorldCon + MystiCon

/ February 22nd, 2017 / No Comments »

I’ve often broken the informal “three things make a blog post” law, but this time around I fully intended to combine three things in one post, heh. Thing One: I’m delighted that Clockwork Phoenix 5 made the 2016 Locus Recommending Reading List and thus is

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2016 postmortem and highlights reel

/ January 2nd, 2017 / No Comments »

Overall, 2016 was a pretty mixed year for us. We lost our dog, Loki, a sweet soul who’d been the cheerfully goofy center of our household since 2003. I had injury-related health issues that haven’t fully gone away and Anita had an unwelcome surprise on

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Readercon, World Fantasy, GeekMob, Guillermo del Toro

/ August 9th, 2016 / No Comments »

Last time I wrote an update, Anita and I were about to drive up to Readercon in Boston. A whole lot has happened since, some of it fun, most of it not fun at all, but for purposes of this update I’m sticking to the

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Here’s my Readercon schedule!

/ July 5th, 2016 / 1 Comment »

I’m very pleased about my final schedule of readings and panels at Readercon in Boston this weekend. Anita and I look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.   We’ll also have copies of all our books with us (our big push will

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The end of a chapter in my writing career

/ May 2nd, 2016 / No Comments »

Since mid-April, I’ve started a new chapter.   Not so much in any particular writing project, of which I have several ongoing, but in my writing life as a whole.   This “new chapter” feeling comes not from fresh goals I’ve set for myself, but

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