Archive for the ‘Appearances’ Category

Award eligibility post for Mythic Delirium Books, my own stories & much more

/ November 25th, 2023 / No Comments »

2023 has been a spectacular, extraordinarily special and extremely stressful year. A whole lot happened during the past five months, with events moving faster than the speed of a blog. First, it’s high time I shared Ye Olde Annual Award Eligibility Post, both for the

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StokerCon, new stories, new stories to be read at StokerCon, and more: a roundup

/ June 3rd, 2023 / No Comments »

Prior to this post, you’ll notice a proliferation of double posts that were simultaneously shared on both the Mythic Delirium site and this one. That’s because my home blog here had a functional “simulpost to Twitter” feature, which doesn’t work anymore because of Elon Musk-driven

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A new short story and a video interview

/ March 6th, 2023 / No Comments »

The dual launch for The Twice-Drowned Saint by C.S.E. Cooney and The Collected Enchantments went really well for Anita and I, despite not having a lot of time to get ready for Boskone thanks to accumulated real-world obligations. It was great to revisit our friends

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Where I’ll be at Boskone + two new horror story sales

/ February 14th, 2023 / No Comments »

With everything I’ve had going on — starting a new career, readying a celebration of my little publishing company’s 25th anniversary, it’s nice to be reminded that I’m a writer, as well. In that spirit, I’m pleased to announce two new short story sales (that

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[Mythic Delirium News] Three questions for Theodora Goss + THE COLLECTED ENCHANTMENTS is here!

/ February 14th, 2023 / No Comments »

And now, debut day has arrived for Theodora Goss’s new collection The Collected Enchantments, the second release of Mythic Delirium’s 25th anniversary celebration! (Read more about the first, novel The Twice-Drowned Saint by C. S. E. Cooney, here.) As of today, both The Collected Enchantments

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[Mythic Delirium News] Preview reading and pre-order promotion for THE COLLECTED ENCHANTMENTS and THE TWICE-DROWNED SAINT

/ January 17th, 2023 / No Comments »

Next month (at Boskone!) Mythic Delirium Books will launch career-defining story collection The Collected Enchantments from Theodora Goss and mind-blowing novel The Twice-Drowned Saint from C.S.E. Cooney. And we note: if you can’t make it to Boston the weekend after Valentine’s Day, pre-order links are

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One week till DARK BREAKERS: an ARC giveaway, a pre-order discount sale & a few sweet reviews

/ February 8th, 2022 / No Comments »

There’s only a week left until Dark Breakers, the new collection of short fiction from World Fantasy Award winner C. S. E. Cooney, manifests physically in the world. This is Mythic Delirium’s first new title since the release of the Shirley Jackson Award-nominated Aftermath of

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Novel sale, story sales, new poems and my true self

/ August 26th, 2021 / No Comments »

Howdy again, folks! I’ve had a fair number of cool things happen here in 2021 that I have yet to record here. Rather than continue to wait for a block of time to open up, I decided I’d better go ahead and launch these bottle

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THIS THURSDAY: A strange, weird and uncanny reading (+ a terrific AFTERMATH review)

/ July 11th, 2021 / No Comments »

I’m delighted to share that on Thursday, July 15, at 8 p.m. EST, I’ll be taking part in the second installment of a summer reading series organized by my colleague in Weird fiction, Daniel Braum. I’m thrilled to be part of a stellar lineup of

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Today on the Lovecraft eZine Podcast

/ June 6th, 2021 / No Comments »

I’m thrilled to be making my first ever appearance on Mike Davis’s Lovecraft eZine Podcast today (Sunday, June 6) at 6 p.m. EST. I imagine I’ll be talking about some horror books, both those I’ve written and those of others. Catch it live on Youtube

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