Archive for the ‘Stage’ Category

Mythic Delirium news: “An Unkindness” by Jessica P. Wick from A SINISTER QUARTET a Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy selection

/ June 5th, 2022 / No Comments »

We live in an era of time distortion. Mostly it’s a bloody distressing state, but occasionally there’s a boon — such as this wonderful and unexpected opportunity to congratulate A Sinister Quartet contributor Jessica P. Wick, whose debut novella “An Unkindness” has been selected for

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Not a Readercon report

/ July 29th, 2015 / No Comments »

Readercon was great, but as I’m in the midst of reading Clockwork Phoenix 5 submissions and starting on a novel revision, I’m not going to be able to provide any kind of detailed report.     I did not win the Shirley Jackson Award, though

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Our MystiCon schedules

/ February 12th, 2014 / No Comments »

Anita and I will be on all kinds of panels and workshops at the upcoming MystiCon convention right here in Roanoke. I’ll be reading from my novel The Black Fire Concerto and Anita and I together will be talking about Clockwork Phoenix and anthologies in

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Performing “The Strip Search” tonight

/ October 6th, 2012 / No Comments »

Tonight I’ll be performing my poem “The Strip Search” at The Best of  the Best of No Shame Theatre, 8 p.m. at Mill Mountain Theatre’s Waldron Stage on Church Avenue in downtown Roanoke. The show is close to sold out already, but I believe there

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A weekend of villainy

/ July 10th, 2011 / No Comments »

Having played a villainous 19th century pharmacist in Dwayne Yancey’s “Strong as a Bull” last night as part of Mill Mountain Theatre’s Overnight Sensations, I continue my period villainy tonight, playing Carl Denham in the play you see in the poster.

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Crazy weekend gets crazier

/ July 8th, 2011 / No Comments »

Tomorrow night, I will be performing in “Overnight Sensations” at Mill Mountain Theatre (see poster to the left) — six plays get created in 24 hours, starting tonight. I’ll be one of the actors. (And I’m going to write about it afterward, so there’s a

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