Archive for the ‘Novels’ Category

StokerCon, new stories, new stories to be read at StokerCon, and more: a roundup

/ June 3rd, 2023 / No Comments »

Prior to this post, you’ll notice a proliferation of double posts that were simultaneously shared on both the Mythic Delirium site and this one. That’s because my home blog here had a functional “simulpost to Twitter” feature, which doesn’t work anymore because of Elon Musk-driven

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30th Anniversary Celebration Interview and Sale: Part Final

/ September 30th, 2022 / No Comments »

Six dark fantasy and horror titlesdiscounted to 99¢for an early Halloween start See a map of how my stories and upcoming novel connect Read the beginning of my 30th anniversary interview Read the second part of the interview Read part three Reflecting on your published

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30th Anniversary Celebration Interview and Sale: Part Three

/ September 25th, 2022 / No Comments »

Six dark fantasy and horror titlesdiscounted to 99¢for an early Halloween start See a map of how my stories and upcoming novel connect Read the beginning of my 30th anniversary interview Read the second part of the interview How did you rise to become the

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30th Anniversary Celebration Interview and Sale: Part Two

/ September 23rd, 2022 / No Comments »

Six dark fantasy and horror titlesdiscounted to 99¢for an early Halloween start See a map of how my stories and upcoming novel connect Read the beginning of my 30th anniversary interview How do you feel about the way your poetry was distributed versus your prose?

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30th Anniversary Celebration Interview and Sale: Part One

/ September 23rd, 2022 / No Comments »

1992 was the year I graduated from Virginia Tech, and also the year Anita and I got married. We celebrated that anniversary with a two-part adventure; the first part took us on an artists’ retreat by beautiful Burke’s Garden in Tazewell County, Virginia; the second

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Novel sale, story sales, new poems and my true self

/ August 26th, 2021 / No Comments »

Howdy again, folks! I’ve had a fair number of cool things happen here in 2021 that I have yet to record here. Rather than continue to wait for a block of time to open up, I decided I’d better go ahead and launch these bottle

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My Readercon schedule & a new edition of STRANGE WISDOMS OF THE DEAD

/ July 9th, 2018 / No Comments »

There’s two big events on my horizon this week. The first is the online release of Nicole Kornher-Stace’s novel Latchkey, which happens Tuesday. The second thing is: Readercon! As I noted over at the Mythic Delirium blog, Anita and I will be running a Mythic

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An interview at POSTSCRIPTS TO DARKNESS, a reprinted story & poem, a new poem sale

/ June 10th, 2018 / 2 Comments »

The past few weeks I’ve been occupied with getting Latchkey by Nicole Kornher-Stace ready for the book’s premiere at Readercon in July. (I couldn’t be prouder that Nicole’s novel received a starred review for Kirkus Reviews — the first time a Mythic Delirium Book has

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/ December 4th, 2017 / No Comments »

The December issue of Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field is now in stores, and it contains something that’s, from my perspective, very unusual: a 4,600-word interview with me! New York Times-bestselling, multiple-award winning author Seanan McGuire is the headliner, as

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New story sales and stranger things

/ May 16th, 2017 / No Comments »

Back in September, I threw myself full tilt into a long overdue redraft of my fantasy/horror novel Trail of Shadows, after about a year and a half of occasionally pecking at it while dealing with obligations related to Clockwork Phoenix 5. This past Sunday, I

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