Archive for the ‘The Black Fire Concerto’ Category

StokerCon, new stories, new stories to be read at StokerCon, and more: a roundup

/ June 3rd, 2023 / No Comments »

Prior to this post, you’ll notice a proliferation of double posts that were simultaneously shared on both the Mythic Delirium site and this one. That’s because my home blog here had a functional “simulpost to Twitter” feature, which doesn’t work anymore because of Elon Musk-driven

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30th Anniversary Celebration Interview and Sale: Part Final

/ September 30th, 2022 / No Comments »

Six dark fantasy and horror titlesdiscounted to 99¢for an early Halloween start See a map of how my stories and upcoming novel connect Read the beginning of my 30th anniversary interview Read the second part of the interview Read part three Reflecting on your published

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My Readercon schedule & a new edition of STRANGE WISDOMS OF THE DEAD

/ July 9th, 2018 / No Comments »

There’s two big events on my horizon this week. The first is the online release of Nicole Kornher-Stace’s novel Latchkey, which happens Tuesday. The second thing is: Readercon! As I noted over at the Mythic Delirium blog, Anita and I will be running a Mythic

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/ December 4th, 2017 / No Comments »

The December issue of Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field is now in stores, and it contains something that’s, from my perspective, very unusual: a 4,600-word interview with me! New York Times-bestselling, multiple-award winning author Seanan McGuire is the headliner, as

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New year, three new stories

/ January 24th, 2016 / No Comments »

Three eerie new stories of mine are available online, two of them free to read, the third acquirable via Kindle. Lackington’s first published my short surreal piece “The Spider Tapestries” in November. This month editor Ranylt Rachildis posted all the stories from Issue 8 to

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End of year summary 2015: a beautiful nightmare

/ December 30th, 2015 / 2 Comments »

So I drop in a heap at the end of 2015 feeling like I’ve packed several years’ worth of creative living into one. This ain’t the first time for that, but even judged my often hyper-busy standard this has been a barnstormer of a year,

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New with UNSEAMING: KGB reading Feb. 18; bonus story for Kindle

/ February 12th, 2015 / No Comments »

Fans of weird fiction have been very good to my debut collection, Unseaming — it’s easily the fastest-selling title I’ve ever produced in my 20 years of doing this kind of thing. (And though out-selling my previous titles leaps a pretty low bar, had you

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My novel THE BLACK FIRE CONCERTO gets a makeover, more editions, more vendors

/ February 11th, 2015 / 1 Comment »

My first published novel, The Black Fire Concerto, started its term of undeadness in this world as an Amazon exclusive. This past year I’ve been gradually pulling all my books (or having them pulled out) of all such Amazon-only deals, and Black Fire Concerto is

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THE BLACK FIRE CONCERTO audiobook available now

/ January 7th, 2015 / No Comments »

Actually, it’s been available since New Year’s Eve, but I’ve only now gotten around to writing a blog post about it. If you’re willing to brave a 30-day free trial of, than you can get my new book free along with it. I’m thrilled

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Coming in 2015: THE BLACK FIRE CONCERTO audiobook

/ December 16th, 2014 / 1 Comment »

So this was a surprise. A reader (or is that listener?) contacted me in late September via Twitter to tell me how much he enjoyed The Black Fire Concerto excerpt that appeared on Tales to Terrify (“Part One: The Red Empress,” read by the amazing

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