A new poetry collection by Sonya Taaffe

/ Wednesday, November 16th, 2011 / No Comments »

A MAYSE-BIKHL by Sonya TaaffeFrequent Mythic Delirium contributor Sonya Taaffe has a new poetry collection out, her first since 2005’s Postcards from the Province of Hyphens, and that’s absolutely something I want to celebrate and support.

It’s called A Mayse-Bikhl, which means “a little book of stories,” and it contains twenty poems from Sonya’s considerable inventory, selected by author, poet and Stone Telling editor Rose Lemberg.

Publisher Erzebet YellowBoy Carr of Papaveria Press writes:

These poems, as Jeannelle [Ferreira] says in her introduction, are “are deeply and completely Jewish poems”. Sonya pulls her material from the deep wells of Jewish myth and history, combining words to create a landscape both familiar and strange. She follows in that tradition of Yiddish literature most popularly published as chapbooks: stories of the fantastic, stories of romance, stories for women. It is entirely fitting that the front cover image, by A. Glixman, is of the Torah scrolls in England that had been rescued from Eastern Europe during World War II. The photograph was taken in 1969 when the scrolls were being restored by the Westminster Synagogue.

You can buy it from Papaveria (click here to do so) for £6.00 — which for us Americanos converts to about $9.50 — plus shipping. Paypal will automatically make the conversion, so don’t let that pound symbol intimidate you.

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