Please spread the word: Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter now live

/ Tuesday, July 10th, 2012 / No Comments »

I am very pleased, thrilled, chuffed (and perhaps even a little nervous) to announce that Anita and I have launched a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of raising the funds to assemble and publish a fourth volume of Clockwork Phoenix. It has a convenient Tiny URL:

We very proud of the first three anthologies and we want to read for a fourth; but it’s absolutely clear — even as successful as those first three books were, with the great reviews and award nominations our authors received — in this economic environment, if we want to continue making these books at the standard we want to hold them to, we have to crowdsource the funding and publish the next one ourselves.

If the project is a go, we’ll open to submissions in September and aim for a June 2013 release.

I could go on about all the rewards we came up with and what we hope to accomplish, but it’s probably much simpler if you just click the link (here! here!) and have a look at the Kickstarter page, where it’s all spelled out.

Please help us spread the word! (And please feel free to repost this entry if you like.)

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