Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter: final rewards recap
Mike Allen / Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 / No Comments »Hello, folks! Please feel free to repost this.
As of this posting there’s less than 48 hours to go in the Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter. It’s not at all clear to me whether we’re going to make our final stretch goal that lets us found a companion webzine for Clockwork Phoenix and Mythic Delirium; I guess that will come down to the wire. Regardless, I want to emphasize that whether we make this last goal or not, the book will still happen, we will pay pro rates, and every little bit we get still helps with assembling, printing and marketing this anthology.
I want to do one more quick rundown of the rewards we’re offering, too, because if any of them look tempting, you only have until Thursday morning to make them yours.
Of utmost importance, most all of the rewards involve a pre-order of the new book once it’s made, in e-book or trade paperback form.
A very popular new reward combines the pre-order of Clockwork Phoenix 4 with a special limited edition signed chapbook edition of Cherie Priest’s short story “The Immigrant,” which I originally published in an anthology series called MYTHIC, the precursor to the Clockwork Phoenix books. This chapbook will only ever be offered through this Kickstarter.
Another popular reward: Anita’s Clockwork Phoenix pins. The photo to the left depicts two of them in progress.
And there’s a whole palette of other things to choose from: some have been nibbled at, some are untapped.
Short story critiques:
Tote bags full of books;
Custom hats;
Poems to order and story Tuckerizations;
Your stories or novels formatted as e-books;
Books hollowed out and decorated to create e-reader cases;
The last remaining 10th anniversary issues of Mythic Delirium,featuring Neil Gaiman;
And lots more. I hope you’ll give them all at least one more look before we’re done.
And lastly, in case you missed it; during the course of the Kickstarter I promised to do something special if the campaign paused at $6,666. It did, and I did indeed do something off the wall. Here I am reciting my devilish poem from the pages of my collection The Journey to Kailash, titled “lis pendens“: