Mythic Delirium update
Mike Allen / Saturday, October 13th, 2012 / No Comments »I’ve reached the stage in assembling Mythic Delirium 28 where I’ve read all the submissions, and now have a pool of finalists. Anita will look over the poems too to help me decide what I accept, which pieces I might ask to be tweaked, and which I’ll decide ultimately don’t fit. Usually I wait until this process is finished before telling people they should query if they haven’t heard from me — so I can make sure I haven’t missed anyone — but on reflection I’ve decided that’s not soon enough. So if you want to query me about submissions status, now is a good time.
Mythic Delirium 27, which I had hoped to have out in September, remains delayed because of unexpected complications involving the cover. I remain hopeful that I’ll have it out by the end of the month.