Free Kindle stories! A sinister Black Friday celebration

/ Friday, November 23rd, 2012 / 5 Comments »

In honor of the wickedly dubious achievement of the three volumes of Clockwork Phoenix having sold a total of 666 copies in e-book form as of today, I am making my three strange short stories on Kindle (“She Who Runs,” “Sleepless, Burning Life,” “Stolen Souls“) available free for any and all to download on Amazon, starting today and continuing through Tuesday. Consider it an Evil Friday gift. (Click on the covers below or the links above to go nab. Also, any help anyone can give signal boosting much appreciated, desperately needed, in fact — feel free to repost this in total or in part.)

(Interested in the promotion? Don’t have a Kindle? E-mail me and we’ll chat.)


  1. […] doing a Black Friday sale. If you don’t have a way to read electronically, he invites you to email him to find a way to get you the […]

  2. […] DESCENT INTO LIGHT Mike Allen's Home Page  « Free Kindle stories! A sinister Black Friday celebration  […]

  3. […] has also given me permission to plug the Kindle story promotion that I’m in the midst of. (John is a generous guy. Charming, too!) There is some topical […]

  4. […] – via DESCENT INTO LIGHT » Blog Archive » Free Kindle stories! A sinister Black Friday celebration. […]

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