Mythic Delirium Kickstarter update: stretch goal unlocked

/ Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013 / No Comments »

There’s about a day left before the Mythic Delirium Kickstarter comes to a close.

Once again, I must thank the amazing support of our backers and of this incredibly generous community. As of this writing we’re almost $100 past our stretch goal to fund a print anthology gathering the contents of the entire first year of the new digital-age Mythic Delirium.

After some hard thinking, I’ve decided not to set any more stretch goals. Any goal I set would involve aspects of the project that can’t happen for two or three years yet, so it seems best to not bind the zine’s resources that way.

However, we still have a number of cool rewards left unclaimed. In particular there’s nine art prints from Paula Friedlander still to be had, and 16 more of Anita’s jewelry pins. Anita says that whatever pins don’t get claimed she will repurpose for other projects, so if you really do want one of these Mythic Delirium pins, you only have till Wednesday morning. Then they’ll be gone.


And of course, you’re more than welcome to just pledge for subscriptions to our ebook editions and learn firsthand what we’re up to, as this magazine is totally going to happen, and is guaranteed to keep going through at least mid-2016 — and hopefully subscriptions and donations that come in through the intervening years will keep it going even longer.

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