Scenes from THE BLACK FIRE CONCERTO launch party

/ Sunday, October 27th, 2013 / No Comments »

The Roanoke launch party for The Black Fire Concerto took place this past Tuesday (Oct. 22) in a cozy space at the Raleigh Court Library. (Technically this is the second launch party for the book; the first one happened in July at ReaderCon.) Since I have a thing about performing in hats, I wore my recently acquired cowboy hat, heh. My friend Anne Sampson brought her dulcimers and provided a live soundtrack as I read. I read for about 40 minutes, then stayed answering questions and chatting until the library closed. Sold a handful of books, too. My thanks to everyone who came out, and to my buddy Shalon Hurlbert for organizing this in the first place.
(My mom showed up, by the way, to hear me read about ghouls, cannibalism and massacres by gunfire. No pressure there!) #SFWApro

Gathering around
Live soundtrack!
Sunlight for a dark story
Fliers left over


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