In case you missed it (cuz I did too!): new story at DRABBLECAST

/ Monday, March 23rd, 2015 / No Comments »

Ticks are never easy to spot. An intelligent species of them would be especially evasive, n’est-ce pas?
Folks familiar with my work might find my short story “Tick Flick” an unusually sweet and sentimental depiction of friendship, except that the friends so depicted happen to be giant, sentient ticks. Obviously I wrote this story with commercial conformity in mind.
Accepted by the disturbed gentlemen of The Drabblecast, “Tick Flick” was tentatively scheduled for a spring release, but instead crept under the seams of 2014 and bit down just before the joint of New Year’s Eve, becoming, without my knowing it, my final publication of the old year rather than the first story of the new.
Drabblecast released “Tick Flick” as a “B-Side,” meaning you must be a subscriber in order to hear it. If this issue’s gorgeous cover art doesn’t get you to sign up (which you can do here) then I don’t know what’s wrong with you. Feast your eyes:



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