New story sale, new Rhysling nomination

/ Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 / No Comments »

So I’ve written a new Lovecraftian tale, my first explicit stab at the Mythos since “Her Acres of Pastoral Playground” appeared in Cthulhu’s Reign in 2010.
My new story is called “The Sun Saw,” and I’m proud to share that it will be appearing in Joseph S. Pulver’s forthcoming anthology The Leaves of a Necronomicon.
The premise of Joe’s book is delightful — Leaves traces the ownership of a single volume of The Necronomicon through the decades, in the manner of Accordion Crimes by Annie Proulx. Some contributors were asked to coordinate their efforts for narrative consistency. I, however, was not. I was asked to set my story in the 1950s, which I did.
“The Sun Saw” takes place in the same milieu as my story “Gutter” from Unseaming, though a casual reader probably wouldn’t find any evidence of that. You’ll just have to take my word for it for now; I’m working on a couple of stories that would make the connections clear, but they’re nowhere close to finished.
Chaosium intends to release The Leaves of a Necronomicon in August. (August will be a big month for me, as that’s when Rhonda Parrish’s Corvidae anthology is also scheduled to drop, with my new story “The Cruelest Team Will Win,” set in the same continuum as my stories “The Hiker’s Tale” and “Follow the Wounded One.”)
Speaking of works tied to other works, which I seem to be doing a lot of lately, my poem “Dearly Beloved,” published last year in Postscripts to Darkness, landed a Rhysling Award nomination. The poem is set in the same far future Earth as my short stories “Twa Sisters” and “Still Life With Skull.” (And I’m right now working on a new story in that series.)
I’m grateful to Dominik Parisien for giving the poem a home (this is on top of all the work he did editing my newest poetry collection, Hungry Constellations.) I owe the man at least a beer, don’t you think?

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