Second story publication of 2018

/ Monday, May 21st, 2018 / No Comments »

My second published story in 2018, just like my first, is a form of exquisite corpse! I am nonplussed but also tickled. The joke in journalistic circles is that if something happens three times, you can call it a trend, though I’ve not been invited to participate in a third exquisite corpse, thus no trend yet, heh.

Also, like “It Began in Red Hook,” this new story, “A Game of Lost and Found,” is only available “behind a paywall,” as the kids say these days. Though it’s an old-fashioned kind of paywall, raised in support of a very worthy cause.

“A Game of Lost and Found” was orchestrated by Ranylt Richildis, editor of Lackington’s, as a bonus feature available only to subscribers or to readers who purchase the newest issue of her zine, the “Gothics” issue, released last week. My collaborators in Gothic mischief were Vajra Chandrasekera, Amal El-Mohtar, Natalia Theodoridou and JY Yang.

Amal came up with the story’s title, and it’s a perfect title. It’s also startling how smoothly this Gothic AF Frankenstein’s monster of a tale fits together, which makes the following contest pretty challenging.

Ranylt is offering a chance to win the entirety of Lackington’s back issue archive to those who can successfully guess which writer wrote which section of “A Game of Lost and Found.” To play, you have to subscribe, a mere $9.99 for four issues, or purchase the issue itself, a mere $2.99.

To further whet your appetite, here’s the full table of contents:

  • “A Thousand Tongues of Silver” by Kate Heartfield
  • “Satia Te Sanguine” by A.J. Hammer
  • “Letters Written to the Dearest Deceased Frances Blood” by R.M. Graves
  • “Nothing Must Be Wasted” by Arkady Martine
  • “Swans and Roses and Snow” by Laura Friis
  • “At the Hand of Every Beast” by Premee Mohamed
  • “Verwelktag” by Steve Toase
  • “Cavity in a Hurt” by J.M. Guzman
  • “A Game of Lost and Found” by Mike Allen, Vajra Chandrasekera, Amal El-Mohtar, Natalia Theodoridou, and JY Yang
  • Illustrations by Carrion House, Michelle MB, Pear Nuallak, Paula Arwen Owen, Dotti Price, Gregory St. John, Kat Weaver, Carol Wellart and P. Emerson Williams. Cover art by Richard Wagner.

I do have other stories in the pipeline that are not exquisite corpses, I swear. I’ve signed contracts for them and in some cases I’ve even been paid for them. However, the question as to whether or not any of them will appear in 2018 is going to be answered by forces completely outside my control. So if you’re tempted to hold out, by all means, just give in and buy this magazine issue instead. You won’t regret it.


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