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DESCENT INTO LIGHT: Mike Allen’s Home Page » Blog Archive » My Readercon schedule & a new edition of STRANGE WISDOMS OF THE DEAD

My Readercon schedule & a new edition of STRANGE WISDOMS OF THE DEAD

/ Monday, July 9th, 2018 / No Comments »

There’s two big events on my horizon this week. The first is the online release of Nicole Kornher-Stace’s novel Latchkey, which happens Tuesday. The second thing is: Readercon!

As I noted over at the Mythic Delirium blog, Anita and I will be running a Mythic Delirium Books table in the Readercon bookshop this coming weekend. It’s the first time we’ve ever done this.

Books for the Readercon bookshop table

The primary reason we’re doing this is so we can physically premiere Latchkey, the first book we’ve taken on since releasing Clockwork Phoenix 5 in 2016. (A couple more are in the works!)

But we’ll also be selling all the other titles in our current inventory, including the Clockwork Phoenix and Mythic Delirium anthologies, C. S. E. Cooney’s World Fantasy Award-winning collection Bone Swans, and just about the full range of my own tomes: my collections Unseaming and The Spider Tapestries; my novel The Black Fire Concerto; the handbound edition of my novella The Quiltmaker; the humorous novelette I co-wrote with Paul Dellinger, The Sky-Riders; and all three of my book-length poetry collections: Strange Wisdoms of the Dead (in a new edition), The Journey to Kailash and Hungry Constellations.

Most of the time, Anita and I will be sitting behind our table, but I do have some programming events: a panel Thursday evening, and two group readings on Saturday. Here’s how that breaks down:

Thursday, 8:00 PM
Writers Who Edit, Editors Who WriteMike Allen, Scott Edelman, John Edward Lawson, Mimi Mondal, Julia Rios, Sabrina VourvouliasSalon 5
Those who edit as a full-time job rarely do much writing on the side, but many full-time writers bolster their incomes through editing. Why does this equation seem to function better in one direction than the other? How do writers who edit avoid the pitfalls experienced by editors who write? What can be done to address an ever-widening taste gap, and the tendency to self-edit into the ground?
Saturday, 10:00 AM
Imagination All CompactMike Allen, Sara Cleto, C.S.E. Cooney, Carlos Hernandez, Sandi Leibowitz, Brittany WarmanBlue Hills
Speculative poets perform their work.
Saturday, 2:00 PM
Group Reading: KaleidocastMike Allen, Marcy Arlin, Rob Cameron, S.A. Chakraborty, Phenderson Djèlí Clark, Danielle Friedman, Carlos Hernandez, Barbara Krasnoff, Brad Parks, Jessica Plumbley, Ted Rabinowitz, David Mercurio Rivera, Eric Rosenfield, Sam Schreiber, Michael Wells, Zak Zyz Salon A
Authors featured on season two of the Kaleidocast podcast read from their latest work.

Generally, I’ll be easy to spot, as Anita has recreated the Purple Hat I used to wear to cons (the original mysteriously vanished years ago.) By all means, if you’re at or near Readercon this coming week, come say hello!

And since I mentioned it above, a little more detail: there’s a new paperback edition of my first book-length poetry (and fiction!) collection, Strange Wisdoms of the Dead. The quietly eerie cover art was derived from Johan Christian Dahl’s “View from Vaekero near Christiania,” painted in 1827, and it’s intended as an illustration of the horror story I co-wrote with fellow Roanoke, Va., writer Charles M. Saplak that concludes the volume and gives the book its title. In terms of content, it is, other than some minor updates to things like bios and book lists, essentially identical to the original released by Wildside Press in 2006.

This version, released through the Mythic Delirium Books, exists mainly so that I could start hand-selling copies of it again — it was the one remaining major collection of my writing for which I couldn’t easily print additional copies. Now that’s fixed.

There will be no e-book version released — Hungry Constellations remains my only poetry collection available in e-book format.


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