UPDATERY: upcoming short stories and poems

/ Sunday, November 25th, 2018 / No Comments »

I’ve been saving up for this updatery for several months, while the main action in my creative life happened over on the publication stage, the biggest news there being the publication of Nicole Kornher-Stace’s new novel Latchkey. (You really ought to check it out if you haven’t, it’s excellent.)

A good deal of my own writerly activities in 2018 have essentially turned out to be jockeying for position with projects that will all (hopefully!!) come to fruition in 2019.

So here’s what’s in queue.

First up, one that might still appear in 2018. My science fiction/horror hybrid “Aftermath of an Industrial Accident” is part of the Dark Regions Press anthology Transmissions from Punktown, edited by Brian Sammons, based on the intergalactic noir “Punktown” stories of Jeffrey Thomas. Dark Regions just completed a massively successful Kickstarter campaign that included funding to add a signed, lettered hardcover edition of this book to the already-planned paperbacks and e-books.

Transmissions from Punktown was included in all the Kickstarter reward levels and Dark Regions has posted pre-order links here. The delicious cover art comes from horror maestro Aeron Alfrey. Behold!

The table of contents is pretty impressive too. Linky here.

Second, my horror tale “The Sun Saw” is part of the Chaosium anthology The Leaves of a Necronomicon, edited by dark master Joseph Pulver and one of the cornerstones of Chaosium’s planned reboot of its fiction line. “The Sun Saw” recounts unfortunate events that befall a Korean War veteran named John Hairston, a character who has stuck with me, as he’s turned up in stories I’ve written since.

Originally this book was going to be released this month, but publishing can be like the movies, and some production snags have caused delays. And, you know, distributing leaves from a Necronomicon must be done with caution.

Courtesy of Chaosium, here is more terrific cover art to share:

And another truly impressive table of contents, linky here.

Third, my goodness, I have a new short story sale to announce! My brand spanking new horror tale “With Shining Gifts That Took All Eyes” has sold to editor-publisher Scott Dwyer of Plutonian Press for his new anthology Pluto in Furs, scheduled for release in 2019. In case you’re wondering, yes, the title plays on Leopold von Sacher-Masoch’s novella Venus in Furs.

I’m pleased to be working with Scott again. My horror story “Binding” was included in Plutonian’s first anthology, Phantasm/Chimera.

Fourth, another story, titled “nolens volens,” featuring my recurring protagonist John Hairston, has sold to a project scheduled for release in 2019. At the moment, that’s all I’m allowed to disclose. More to share when I can.

Poetry-wise, the situation is similar. I finished three new poems in 2018, all in collaboration with S. Brackett Roberston. Two of those poems have sold and are booked for 2019 debuts. They are:

  • “shore skin,” sold to Not One of Us, due out in early 2019, and
  • “Supernumerary,” sold to Spectral Realms, also due out in early 2019!
  • So, here’s to next year!

    P.S.: To my knowledge, no one has successfully guessed the proper order of authors for “A Game of Lost and Found,” an exquisite corpse story that I participated in for Lackington’s magazine along with Vajra Chandrasekera, Amal El-Mohtar, Natalia Theodoridou, and JY Yang. I am certain this is because Amal and I have indistinguishable writing styles. Do consider purchasing the issue and trying your hand at the game.


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