A SINISTER QUARTET reading by Cooney, Wick, McGee and me at Book No Further in Roanoke

/ Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 / No Comments »

Alas, C. S. E. Coooney, Jessica P. Wick, Amanda J. McGee and I won’t literally be together in Roanoke, Virginia, for this upcoming reading from A Sinister Quartet.

However, we will reunite Saturday, July 18 at 3:30 pm. on Zoom for this new event hosted by independent bookseller Book No Further and the shop’s wonderful proprietor Doloris Vest.

The good news is, you don’t have to travel all the way to far Southwest Virginia to see us — you can just sign up for free!

To further whet your appetite, let me share this excellent review A Sinister Quartet from Zig Zag Claybourne:

There’s a theme in this book, likely unintended, grown organically out of the times, of not giving up, regardless of fatigue, pain, unfairness or a sense that you are small and meaner forces are grotesquely big. I think, if anything, this collection speaks to the fact that there’s no amount of horror, predation, murder hornets, trickery, or even self-delusion that ought to make folks digging upward for light raise a flag of surrender. Hope’s a sinister thing to folks peddling strife.

Lord knows, I needed that message. You might too.

Click here or the graphic below to sign up.

Cross-posted from Mythic Delirium Books

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