/ Thursday, August 13th, 2020 / No Comments »

Last month (man, has time gotten away from me) I had the privilege to take part in two group readings promoting my most recent offerings as a writer and as a publisher, and those readings have since been archived online where I can share them. Not to mention, I’ll be giving yet another one this Friday at 10 p.m. EST as part of the 2020 Virtual Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird, and in the hour leading up to that I’ll be taking part in a panel hosted by Lesley Wheeler on the topic of “Weird Metamorphosis or Life Change,” a concept I definitely play with a lot in my writing.

Clicking the graphic will take you to a page where you can get more info on the whole Virtual Outer Dark Event.

Now for the videos! The first I get to share with you is the livestreamed Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading from July 15, hosted by Ellen Datlow and Matt Kressel, in which I read excerpts from my new collection Aftermath on an Industrial Accident and from my novella “The Comforter” in the new Mythic Delirium Books anthology A Sinister Quartet. Benjamin Rosenbaum read the delightful opening from his forthcoming debut novel The Unraveling.

The reading is also available as an audio podcast.

The second video comes from July 18, when C. S. E. Cooney, Jessica P. Wick, Amanda J. McGee and I (a.k.a. the contributors to A Sinister Quartet) were reunited via a Zoom for a group reading hosted by Doloris Vest of Book No Further, the downtown indie bookstore in Roanoke, Virginia, where Amanda and I both live. It was just as much fun the second time through. I chose to self-censor one of the chapters of “The Comforter” that I read from, for reasons that should be plainly evident should you pick up the book yourself. (And obviously, you should!)

I get a kick out of Claire Cooney showing off Brett Massé’s artwork in the still image.

Cross-posted from Mythic Delirium Books

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