2020 Awards Eligibility Post

/ Monday, December 28th, 2020 / No Comments »

I’m a couple months late posting this, which has definitely been a 2020-connected theme. Nonetheless, at the last minute is still better than never!

My personal and publisher lists mostly overlap this year, so I am going to combine them.

This was a risky year to release a book, especially one with horror-centric themes, and so of course the Mythic Delirium Books imprint produced two, hee hee.

The first book we published in 2020 was an anthology of original longform stories and a team effort called A Sinister Quartet. Producing and taking part in it has been a delight.

Published in June, A Sinister Quartet contains the following, all first published in 2020:

  • “The Twice-Drowned Saint: Being a Tale of Fabulous Gelethel, the Invisible Wonders Who Rule the City, and the Apostates Who Try to Escape its Walls,” a short novel from C. S. E. Cooney (which has ties to her novella “Life on the Sun” in her World Fantasy Award-winning collection Bone Swans). There’s an excerpt available at the New Decameron Project.
  • “An Unkindness,” the debut novella from Jessica P. Wick
  • “Viridian,” the debut novella from Amanda J. McGee
  • “The Comforter,” an novella by Mike Allen (a.k.a. me!), that ties into the creatures and events encountered in other stories of mine. (Specifically, “The Button Bin,” “The Quiltmaker” and “The Feather Stitch,” more on that last one in a bit.)

The second book we published in 2020 was my own collection of short stories, Aftermath of an Industrial Accident. It’s my second collection of horror stories and my third fiction collection overall, and it’s been in the works pretty much since my debut Unseaming appeared in 2014.

Published in July, Aftermath of an Industrial Accident contains one novelette, sixteen short stories, and six poems. Four of the short stories are original to the collection:

As for my other writings outside those projects, I had two original pieces appear:

If you’d like all that broken down into a convenient category list, that looks like this:

A Sinister Quartet by Mike Allen, C. S. E. Cooney,
Amanda J. McGee and Jessica P. Wick

Aftermath of an Industrial Accident: Stories by Mike Allen

The Twice-Drowned Saint” by C. S. E. Cooney

The Comforter” by Mike Allen
Viridian” by Amanda J. McGee
An Unkindness” by Jessica P. Wick

Short story:
Blue Evolution” by Mike Allen
A Deaf Policeman Heard the Noise” by Mike Allen
The Feather Stitch” by Mike Allen
Puppet Show” by Mike Allen
The Sun Saw” by Mike Allen

Urban Renewal” by Mike Allen


If you are a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America or the Horror Writer’s Association, most of these books and stories have been made available through the authorized private forums in channels, so feel free to look for them there. If you’re interested in considering any of this material for review or awards consideration purposes and don’t have ready access to it otherwise, feel free to contact me at mythicdelirium[at]gmail[dot]com.

Cross-posted from Mythic Delirium Books

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