Come see NIGHTMARES UNEARTHED this Saturday night

/ Thursday, March 25th, 2021 / No Comments »

I am proud to be a part of Nightmares Unearthed: A Contemporary Horror Reading, a literally monstrous virtual reading that’s going to happen at 8 p.m. this coming Saturday, March 27 (two days from now!) — to join, you need to register using this EventBrite link (click here).

Lots more details to be found at this blog post written by our gracious host, C.S.E. Cooney — but I will do my best to convey the goodness.

“Nightmares Unearthed” began with a notion to hold a reading that would give some horror writers whoae books came out during the 2020 maelstrom another chance to have their work seen. Once Claire Cooney became involved, the event began to grow into something even more dynamic and exciting, with the addition of authors who have books forthcoming in the maelstrom of 2021!

Aside from yours truly, the reading features Zin E. Rocklyn, Cassandra Khaw, Daniel Braum, Emma J. Gibbon, and Gordon B. White.

We are each reading, when possible, excerpts from our recently released or forthcoming books. Aside from my own Aftermath of an Industrial Accident, these books include Daniel’s Underworld Dreams, Emma’s Dark Blood Comes from the Feet, Cassandra’s Nothing but Blackened Teeth, Zin’s Flowers for the Sea and Gordon’s When Summer’s Mask Slips.

I would be remiss not to mention C.S.E. Cooney’s own books, even though she is hosting rather than reading: Bone Swans | Desdemona and the Deep | A Sinister Quartet.

There will be a Q&A for everybody afterward.

Security will be closely monitored, so to get the link to take part, you definitely need to use the EventBrite signup. Our Facebook event page explains even further.

Hope to see you and scare you there!

Cross-posted from Mythic Delirium Books

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