[Mythic Delirium News] 25th anniversary book releases: quick around-the-web round-up
Mike Allen / Friday, February 10th, 2023 / No Comments »As we prepare for the official in-person launch party at Boskone for The Twice-Drowned Saint by C. S. E. Cooney and The Collected Enchantments by Theodora Goss, it’s been gratifying to see both books get nice notices.
From book blogger Sia at Every Book a Doorway, a stunningly lovely and fun review of The Twice-Drowned Saint:
Cooney routinely leaves me speechless, and The Twice-Drowned Saint is no exception — despite having read it twice, I have no idea how to describe, never mind explain, this brilliantly, beautifully bizarre little novel, with its properly unbiblical angels, a possessed police-force, and a sacred cinema of silent, black-and-white movies! What am I supposed to say???I loved it. Obviously.
In The Fairy Tale Magazine, reviewer Kelly Jarvis has kind words to share about The Collected Enchantments:
In her introduction, Goss reveals that it “took a long time . . . to become a writer. I’m still working on the sorceress part.” Her beautiful collection, part writing and part magic, proves that she has become both.The Collected Enchantments is an essential read for all who love fairy tales, fantasy, witchcraft, and magic
The Collected Enchantments also made the Book Riot list of “11 Speculative Short Story Collections to Look Forward to in 2023.”
So, so busy, but more to share soon!