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My ultraweird short story “Monster” sells to Nameless

/ August 24th, 2012 / No Comments »

I’m pleased to report that my truly strange short story “Monster” that combines serial killers and fractals has sold to the new horror journal [Nameless] Magazine, and is currently scheduled for a Spring 2013 release. I’ve got a number of other behind-the-scenes things going on

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Thank you

/ August 20th, 2012 / No Comments »

I apologize that this is so late in coming. For a number of reasons, neither Anita nor I have had much of a chance to stop and reflect since the Kickstarter for Clockwork Phoenix 4 reached such a stunning conclusion on August 9. In case

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Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter: less than 24 hours to go

/ August 8th, 2012 / No Comments »

Just one last reminder: there’s less than 24 hours to go in the Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter. Aside from pre-orders of the anthology, two rewards have been especially popular: Anita’s hand-crafted Clockwork Phoenix pins (of which there are 5 remaining to be had) and the

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Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter: final rewards recap

/ August 7th, 2012 / No Comments »

Hello, folks! Please feel free to repost this. As of this posting there’s less than 48 hours to go in the Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter. It’s not at all clear to me whether we’re going to make our final stretch goal that lets us found a

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A new “Tour of the Abattoir” column at Tales to Terrify + a poetry sale

/ August 3rd, 2012 / No Comments »

The newest Tales to Terrify podcast contains my latest “Tour of the Abattoir” column, in which I and buddy Shalon Hurlbert tear the liver out of Ridley Scott’s Prometheus … but end up finding it somewhat tasty. There’s also a story from podcast overlord Larry

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The Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter made its goal paying pro rates. Now trying for one more: a new webzine.

/ August 2nd, 2012 / No Comments »

Reposted from the latest project update. WE DID IT! CLOCKWORK PHOENIX WILL PAY PRO RATES. AND NOW OUR NEXT GOAL: A NEW WEBZINE FOR POETRY AND FICTION. TARGET: $10,000. Thank you all so much! We’re overwhelmed. The next volume of Clockwork Phoenix will pay 5

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Black Gate lets me explain why I edit Clockwork Phoenix

/ August 1st, 2012 / No Comments »

The Kickstarter for Clockwork Phoenix is less than $450 away from reaching $8,000, at which point the anthology will be able to pay pro rates for stories. We have a week left. Should we manage to go past $8,000, I have a new stretch goal

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New Clockwork Phoenix update (w/ video): Story critiques, “book cases,” & a possible submission window

/ July 29th, 2012 / No Comments »

Reposted from Update #12 of the Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter. Hi, folks! I hope you’re having a good weekend and getting to enjoy some of the Olympics. We’re battening down for the final stretch. There’s only 10 days left and we’ve still got a long way

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New rewards at the Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter (& another interview)

/ July 27th, 2012 / No Comments »

The Interstitial Arts Foundation has posted an interview with me about the Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter and other things. My thanks to them for lending me a soapbox. In pursuit of our goal of going pro, we’ve added some new reward levels. Anita and I are

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Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter hits halfway mark + interview at Marshall’s Super-Sekrit Clubhouse

/ July 24th, 2012 / No Comments »

Today the Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter reached the halfway point, with 15 days done and 15 days to go. I’m amazed at the progress we’ve made, but we’re still chasing that elusive $8,000 goal so that for the first time the series can pay pro

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