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C.S.E. Cooney’s “Braiding the Ghosts” from Clockwork Phoenix 3 now at Podcastle

/ October 11th, 2011 / No Comments »

I’m pleased to report today that Claire aka C.S.E. Cooney’s popular novelette “Braiding the Ghosts” from Clockwork Phoenix 3 has been made available today for your listening pleasure as a “Giant Episode” at Podcastle. Go, click, listen, enjoy!

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Places where I lurk

/ October 6th, 2011 / No Comments »

JoSelle Vanderhooft’s anthology Steam Powered: Lesbian Steampunk Stories, which contains my novelette “Sleepless, Burning Life,” is now available in e-book Nook format at Barnes & Noble. (It was already available in Kindle format on Amazon.) Fantastique Unfettered Issue 3, which contains a lengthy interview with

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Mythic Delirium 25 preview, part 4 (w/ cover art)

/ October 1st, 2011 / No Comments »

Tim Mullins’ cover art for Mythic Delirium 25. And here’s another illustration by Paula Friedlander, that nestles between Melissa Frederick’s poem “Venus Crossing the Sun” and Mari Ness’ poem “Raven Singing.”

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Mythic Delirium 25 preview, part 3

/ September 30th, 2011 / No Comments »

Daniel Trout’s moody illustration for Florence Major’s poem “Joseph Carey Merrick.”

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Mythic Delirium 25 preview, part 2

/ September 29th, 2011 / No Comments »

Paula Friedlander’s illustration for Jessica Wick’s poem “Nobody’s Song.”

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“Surviving Wonderland” appears in Stone Telling; “Heart’s Delight” appears in Not One of Us

/ September 27th, 2011 / No Comments »

Today ends up being a double-poem day. My poem “Surviving Wonderland” popped up today at the new issue of Stone Telling, which just went live. It’s a delicious looking issue, focused on myth in storytelling, with contributions by Yoon Ha Lee, Delia Sherman, Amal El-Mohtar,

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Mythic Delirium 25 — a preview

/ September 26th, 2011 / No Comments »

Paula Friedlander’s illustration for Sonya Taaffe’s poem “The Description of a Wish.”

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Mythic Delirium closes to submissions Oct. 1

/ September 25th, 2011 / No Comments »

Just a reminder to folks that you have until Oct. 1 (this coming Saturday) if you want to submit poems to be considered for Mythic Delirium 26. Guidelines are here. I haven’t been as ruthlessly efficient this reading period as I was with the last

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Fantastique Unfettered 3 (containing an interview with yours truly) now available

/ September 18th, 2011 / No Comments »

The third issue of the new zine Fantastique Unfettered has just become available, and it features a long interview with me about all sorts of writing-and-editing related things. Much to my delight, this isn’t the end of my interaction with Fantastique Unfettered. The next issue

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“Carrington’s Ferry” sells to Strange Horizons

/ September 17th, 2011 / No Comments »

My poem “Carrington’s Ferry,” the newest in my Disturbing Muses series, has sold to Strange Horizons. Good news to start the day with!

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