Archive for the ‘Audio’ Category

A new “Tour of the Abattoir” column at Tales to Terrify + a poetry sale

/ August 3rd, 2012 / No Comments »

The newest Tales to Terrify podcast contains my latest “Tour of the Abattoir” column, in which I and buddy Shalon Hurlbert tear the liver out of Ridley Scott’s Prometheus … but end up finding it somewhat tasty. There’s also a story from podcast overlord Larry

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A new “Tour of the Abattoir” at Tales to Terrify

/ June 29th, 2012 / No Comments »

In which I discuss horror stories that have unnerved me over the years, share a very short story of my own, “Six Waking Nightmares that Poe Gave Me in Third Grade,” and review Chesya Burke’s short story collection Let’s Play White. There’s also a short

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Guest posts about poetry at Locus Online

/ May 9th, 2012 / No Comments »

Karen Burnham, who runs the Locus Roundtable at Locus Online, has rounded up a series of speculative poetry-related posts, podcasts and interviews for the month of May, and I got to be first out of the gate. Here’s my guest blog post: “Let us go

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verse and voice: new things I have out

/ April 3rd, 2012 / No Comments »

As I continue to work on my Secret Second Novel, a number of cool things sort of accumulated all at once. I shall enumerate them here. I have a new poem, “Surcease,” out in Issue 3 of the recently-revived Inkscrawl, edited by Samantha Henderson, published

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New Tales to Terrify, new “Tour of the Abattoir” column

/ February 27th, 2012 / No Comments »

The latest of Larry Santoro’s Tales to Terrify podcasts includes my second “Tour of the Abattoir” column, in which I join the voices calling for a change in the World Fantasy Award statuette and give John Langan’s debut collection Mr. Gaunt and Other Uneasy Encounters

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A new podcast and a new short story sale

/ February 12th, 2012 / No Comments »

My apocalyptic short story “Let There Be Darkness” has just appeared at Pseudopod, read with prophetic conviction by Christiana Ellis. (Click here to hear how the world will really end.) “Let There Be Darkness” will be included in my horror collection coming out later this

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I’ve just recorded my first column for “Tales to Terrify”

/ January 22nd, 2012 / No Comments »

Tales to Terrify is the new sister podcast to StarShipSofa, focused exclusively on horror. Madman Tony C. Smith invited me to contribute a monthly column to Tales to Terrify. I just finished recording the first installment. I’m calling it “Tour of the Abattoir.” Said abattoir

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Stories have their own lives

/ December 14th, 2011 / No Comments »

I have this horror story called “The Blessed Days.” It first appeared in Tales of the Talisman in 2009 and was adapted to audio by Pseudopod in 2010. Now it’s part of a new e-anthology called Past Future Present 2011 that’s available on Amazon for

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“Let There Be Darkness” sells to Pseudopod

/ December 7th, 2011 / No Comments »

I learned last night that horror podcasters Pseudopod have decided to adapt my short story “Let There Be Darkness.” These folks previously adapted my tales “The Button Bin” and “The Blessed Days” and I’m delighted to be back on board with them again. For me,

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What’s been going on with me? (A list.)

/ November 14th, 2011 / No Comments »

There’s a lot of stuff going on in my writing career right now, a lot of “let’s do this and see where it goes” sort of things. So here’s some ketchup: I’ve sent out the first batch of agent queries for my new novel, Silver

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