Archive for the ‘Audio’ Category

New story sales and stranger things

/ May 16th, 2017 / No Comments »

Back in September, I threw myself full tilt into a long overdue redraft of my fantasy/horror novel Trail of Shadows, after about a year and a half of occasionally pecking at it while dealing with obligations related to Clockwork Phoenix 5. This past Sunday, I

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My schedule (in fact, the entire schedule) for the Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird

/ March 23rd, 2017 / No Comments »

Saturday, I’ll be one of a host of intriguing writer guests reading and giving talks at an event near Atlanta called The Outer Dark Symposium of the Greater Weird. It’s an event created by Anya Martin and Scott Nicolay, the masterminds behind the Outer Dark

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Podcastle adapts “The Cruelest Team Will Win”

/ October 17th, 2016 / No Comments »

It’s an honor to return to the “pages” of Podcastle — the venerable fantasy podcast site has released an audio adaption of my dark-fantasy-teetering-at-the-edge-of-horror short story “The Cruelest Team Will Win,” just in time for the Halloween season.   Published last year in Rhonda Parrish’s

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End of year summary 2015: a beautiful nightmare

/ December 30th, 2015 / 2 Comments »

So I drop in a heap at the end of 2015 feeling like I’ve packed several years’ worth of creative living into one. This ain’t the first time for that, but even judged my often hyper-busy standard this has been a barnstormer of a year,

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One new podcast, two new poems, two new story sales

/ November 11th, 2015 / 1 Comment »

I have been deep, deep, deep in the wilderness of Kickstarter campaign/submission reading land as bits and bobs related to my own writings have popped up over the last couple of months. This is my attempt to assemble them in a more tangible form than

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In case you missed it (cuz I did too!): new story at DRABBLECAST

/ March 23rd, 2015 / No Comments »

Ticks are never easy to spot. An intelligent species of them would be especially evasive, n’est-ce pas?   Folks familiar with my work might find my short story “Tick Flick” an unusually sweet and sentimental depiction of friendship, except that the friends so depicted happen

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Something completely different: THE SKY-RIDERS, in ebook and audio

/ February 12th, 2015 / No Comments »

So I waited until all the pieces were in place before formally announcing this one, though I’ve been plugging it on Twitter for a lil’ while now. Behold The Sky-Riders, a new novelette that’s quite a departure for me, available in numerous online places in

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THE BLACK FIRE CONCERTO audiobook available now

/ January 7th, 2015 / No Comments »

Actually, it’s been available since New Year’s Eve, but I’ve only now gotten around to writing a blog post about it. If you’re willing to brave a 30-day free trial of, than you can get my new book free along with it. I’m thrilled

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Coming in 2015: THE BLACK FIRE CONCERTO audiobook

/ December 16th, 2014 / 1 Comment »

So this was a surprise. A reader (or is that listener?) contacted me in late September via Twitter to tell me how much he enjoyed The Black Fire Concerto excerpt that appeared on Tales to Terrify (“Part One: The Red Empress,” read by the amazing

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My latest Tour of the Abattoir at TALES TO TERRIFY: Ligotti and Llewellyn

/ October 12th, 2014 / No Comments »

I must sheepishly confess, in the whirlwind of the past two months, I missed this when it actually appeared online: my latest “Tour of the Abattoir” column is up at horror podcast Tales to Terrify. In this installment I look at short story collections by

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