Not a Readercon report

/ Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 / No Comments »

Readercon was great, but as I’m in the midst of reading Clockwork Phoenix 5 submissions and starting on a novel revision, I’m not going to be able to provide any kind of detailed report.

I did not win the Shirley Jackson Award, though I remain honored to have been nominated and enjoyed meeting a number of my fellow nominees. I certainly don’t begrudge Helen Marshall her win for best collection.
I am pleased to report that Bone Swans, the debut collection from C.S.E. Cooney that Anita and I published through our Mythic Delirium Books imprint, sold out at Readercon. Nor did Unseaming fare poorly, for that matter. And, at the joint party Anita and I held for both books, Carlos Hernandez provided this rather amazing cake, that did not last long at all once it was cut:

Finally, Scott Edelman made a video of one of the panels I participated in, along with Shira Lipkin, Patty Templeton, Catt Kingsgrave and moderator Kate Nepveu, “Successfully Writing About Horrible Things.” If you like, you can watch the video below!


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