Archive for the ‘Unseaming’ Category

Fun with Amazon, UNSEAMING edition

/ October 30th, 2014 / No Comments »

My thanks to everyone who has bought Unseaming so far — by the standards of one of my books (admittedly not a high bar) the collection is doing quite well, especially on Amazon. Ordinarily I only get to play these sorts of games when I’m

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Scenes from the first launch reading for UNSEAMING

/ October 29th, 2014 / No Comments »

So it turns out the rejuvenated Roanoke main library has a room that’s the perfect size for a reading. The first official launch reading for Unseaming turned out to be quite cozy. My thanks to Roanoke librarian Shalon Hurlbert (my good friend, whom the book

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UNSEAMING at Weird Fiction Review

/ October 27th, 2014 / No Comments »

Jeff VanderMeer’s interview with me about my new collection Unseaming was republished last week at Weird Fiction Review. My thanks to Jeff (again!) and to David Davis, the new managing editor at WFR.     #SFWApro  

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Our World Fantasy Convention schedule

/ October 23rd, 2014 / No Comments »

Anita and I are gonna be at the World Fantasy Convention in D.C. in two weeks, and I have my schedule in hand. Both of my scheduled events are Friday, Nov. 7:   Poetry in Fantasy: Yesterday and Today Time: 11am-12pm, Nov. 7, Regency F

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UNSEAMING Halloween: Oct. 28 reading at Roanoke Main Library

/ October 22nd, 2014 / No Comments »

My first official post-book-launch reading of Unseaming happens Tuesday, Oct. 28, 6 p.m. in the Parrot Room (heh) of the newly-renovated and reopened Roanoke Main Library. Naturally I’ll have copies for signing and selling. There will be light refreshments, though what I’m going to read

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Southern Reach debriefing: Jeff VanderMeer interviews me about UNSEAMING

/ October 20th, 2014 / No Comments »

Jeff VanderMeer took time out from his explorations of Area X to interview me about my story collection Unseaming, and graciously posted the results on his blog.     By the way, I’m hugely impressed with his Southern Reach Trilogy and recommend it without reservation.

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A starred review of UNSEAMING from Library Journal

/ October 20th, 2014 / No Comments »

Last week Library Journal floored me with a starred review of Unseaming, included in a round up of authors way, way better known than I am (David Baldacci? Alexander McCall Smith? Well then!) — and here’s what the review itself said:   The stories in

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How to get a signed copy of UNSEAMING

/ October 19th, 2014 / No Comments »

A couple people have requested copies of Unseaming signed by me, and so I thought I’d share how folks can get one.   I have my own copies of the book now (snapshot at left is proof!) for my upcoming readings at the Roanoke Main

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/ October 16th, 2014 / No Comments »

Of the three books I’ve released this year, my short story collection Unseaming is getting by far the most attention, a lot more attention I’m used to, frankly, which is a great thing. Unsurprisingly, though, my new poetry collection, Hungry Constellations (which, thanks to the

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The big ideas behind UNSEAMING, chez John Scalzi

/ October 9th, 2014 / No Comments »

Sci-fi author/humorist/activist/Hollywood consultant John Scalzi generously lent me his celebrated “Big Idea” platform for the day to talk about Unseaming. But this presented a challenge: how to explain the “big idea” behind a collection of short stories published over an interval of nearly 20 years?

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