Archive for the ‘Unseaming’ Category

ARC Giveaway: BONE SWANS by C.S.E. Cooney

/ January 28th, 2015 / 21 Comments »

UPDATE: And the winner is … Shawna Lenore Kastin. Thanks to all who participated! So, first, the giveaway rules: If you want to enter this giveaway for C.S.E. Cooney’s beautiful debut fantasy collection Bone Swans (introduction by Gene Wolfe, coming in July from Mythic Delirium

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/ January 16th, 2015 / No Comments »

The New York Review of Science Fiction just published a review of my collection Unseaming; I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve ever been mentioned in that journal. Reviewer Peter Rawlik has both praise and criticism to offer my book, but ultimately the raves

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/ January 13th, 2015 / No Comments »

Sunni K. Brock of Nameless Digest has reviewed two of my 2014 books, horror story collection Unseaming and poetry collection Hungry Constellations, and she has flattering things to say about both.   About Unseaming: This book is positioned to hit the mark squarely within the

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UNSEAMING a nominee for This Is Horror best story collection award

/ January 7th, 2015 / No Comments »

I woke up this morning to the news that my book Unseaming is a nominee for the 2014 This Is Horror Awards in the category Short Story Collection of the Year. Both nominations and awards are chosen by popular vote, and the competition is fearsome,

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Fun with Amazon, second UNSEAMING edition

/ December 5th, 2014 / No Comments »

As I’ve said, Amazon “bestseller” lists don’t mean much. That reiterated, Unseaming has so far been successful enough (by my standards) to afford me a fair amount of fun as it bobs up and down in the Kindle “Horror Short Stories” rankings.   This is

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The Quiltmaker + 2014 eligibility post

/ December 3rd, 2014 / 2 Comments »

I suppose I should start with the obvious: my first ever short story collection Unseaming is new this year and eligible in “best story collection” categories. Someone saw fit to suggest it be included in this completely unofficial list, which still tickles me to no

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Publishers Weekly antics

/ November 24th, 2014 / No Comments »

My friend Michael M. Jones interviewed me for an impressive roundup article about how crowdfunding is changing the sf/f/h publishing landscape. The article, “Defying the Traditional Model: Crowdfunding in science fiction and fantasy,” appeared last week at Publishers Weekly, and contains quotes from a number

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The origins of UNSEAMING: a guest post at The Review Review

/ November 24th, 2014 / No Comments »

So, the successive obligational pile-ons of preparing for the 2014 World Fantasy Convention, then attending said convention (with the whirlwind of first meetings and reunions that entailed), then catching up on unfinished tasks afterward (which, actually, I still haven’t quite managed) all mean that I’ve

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Y’all come see me now y’hear? #WFC2014

/ November 5th, 2014 / No Comments »


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Halloween shenanigans: two new stories (and a sneaky reprint)

/ November 3rd, 2014 / No Comments »

It’s only fitting that Halloween was a busy week for me, beyond reading submissions for Mythic Delirium and all the little things I’m doing to promote Unseaming.   My editor at The Roanoke Times once again asked me to write an original ghost story for

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