My novel THE BLACK FIRE CONCERTO gets a makeover, more editions, more vendors

/ Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 / 1 Comment »

My first published novel, The Black Fire Concerto, started its term of undeadness in this world as an Amazon exclusive. This past year I’ve been gradually pulling all my books (or having them pulled out) of all such Amazon-only deals, and Black Fire Concerto is the last to make that change.


Audiobook edition


Electronic book edition

Coincidentally, through an unrelated confluence of circumstances (detailed here), narrator Robert G. Davis recorded an audiobook edition of the novel, which required me to relicense the wonderful digital painting by Lauren K. Cannon that Haunted Stars Publications acquired for my cover.

Trade paperback edition

And on the third hand, between the Summer 2013 release of Black Fire Concerto and now, I drafted a sequel, The Ghoulmaker’s Aria (which will also have cover art from Lauren). So — though I want it known, I was absolutely delighted by John Woolley’s original design for Haunted Stars — creating the new audiobook cover demanded a design that lets listeners know the first book is part of a series. (Which I decided to call The Stormblight Symphony; I imagine it as a grim score played out in four movements.) Once I did all that for one edition, it only made sense to change the rest.
And so, The Black Fire Concerto has a new look and new hangouts. (And new prices, with the paperback now set to $14.95 and the e-book to $4.99.)
Here’s where you can find it now:
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The Ghoulmaker’s Aria (forthcoming)

Amazon UK:
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Amazon DE:
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Barnes & Noble:
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Kobo: e-book
Scribd: e-book
Google Play: ebook


One Comment

  1. […] at least some of the folks who like Unseaming would also get a kick out of my dark fantasy novel The Black Fire Concerto. The overwhelming majority of sales for Unseaming have been Kindle sales, specifically American […]

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