New with UNSEAMING: KGB reading Feb. 18; bonus story for Kindle

/ Thursday, February 12th, 2015 / No Comments »

Fans of weird fiction have been very good to my debut collection, Unseaming — it’s easily the fastest-selling title I’ve ever produced in my 20 years of doing this kind of thing. (And though out-selling my previous titles leaps a pretty low bar, had you told me four months ago that my royalty earnings were going to surpass the equivalent of 6 cents/word for all 14 stories, I would have laughed at you.) I put a lot of work into this book, but I sure didn’t make that happen alone, so again, again, thank you to everyone who has helped out this strange little tome.
I’m reasonably certain that at least some of the folks who like Unseaming would also get a kick out of my dark fantasy novel The Black Fire Concerto. The overwhelming majority of sales for Unseaming have been Kindle sales, specifically American Kindle sales. So, operating on the principle that too late is better than never, and with thanks to publishers Antimatter Press and Haunted Stars for making this easy, part one of The Black Fire Concerto, “The Red Empress,” has been added to the Kindle edition of Unseaming. (Rose Lemberg’s idea, thank you!) If you bought Unseaming before I added “The Red Empress,” my understanding is that you can update your copy; at least the information linked here strongly implies it.
The book also newly contains a link to register for my fresh-minted newsletter (thanks for this idea to Shveta Thakrar), which, if anyone actually subscribes to it, I will use to provide updates on my next ventures into The Weird. (I do have things planned, oh yes I do.)
I hope to see you there if you can make it.

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