Today is Book Day: UNSEAMING is alive (w/ book trailer, even!)

/ Tuesday, October 7th, 2014 / 16 Comments »

Behold, the book trailer for Unseaming! My thanks once again to artist Danielle Tunstall and her model Alexandra Johnson, and the wonderful, prefers-to-stay-anonymous animator!

AND: My book is live today! Finally! Unequivocally!
And here’s all the places you can get it:
Amazon: trade paperbackKindle
Amazon UK: trade paperbackKindle
Amazon CA: trade paperbackKindle
Barnes & Noble: trade paperbackNook
iTunes: ebook † Kobo: ebook † ScribD: ebook
Google Play: ebook
Indiebound: trade paperback
Weightless: ebook

And here’s my publisher’s page for it. And thanks so much to Elizabeth Campbell and Jonah Knight for giving this long-wandering project a home.
Oh, man, has this day been a looooooong time in the making…and what a great day it is!


  1. […] that’s starting to get some buzz. Library Journal simply gave his Unseaming a starred review. You can buy the collection here. Lately, I interviewed Mike about his work and bizarre fiction by way of […]

  2. […] that’s beginning to get some buzz. Library Journal just gave his Unseaming a starred review. You can buy the collection here. Recently, I interviewed Mike about his work and weird fiction via […]

  3. […] thanks to everyone who has bought Unseaming so far — by the standards of one of my books (admittedly not a high bar) the collection is […]

  4. […] suppose I should start with the obvious: my first ever short story collection Unseaming is new this year and eligible in “best story collection” categories. Someone saw fit to […]

  5. […] on the list, is a close second:     And for sheer vanity’s sake, proof that the book actually broke into the top 10 in its category for about five minutes:     So suddenly I […]

  6. […] It’s not really sinking in.   Thanks to all who voted, and to everyone whose giving Unseaming such amazing support.   #SFWApro […]

  7. […] Mythic Delirium and the Clockwork Phoenix anthology series. His first collection of horror stories,Unseaming, debuted in October to starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Library Journal. He’s also […]

  8. […] days). To give some perspective: at the beginning of October, when my debut short story collection, Unseaming, was about to launch, Anita asked me what I was hoping would come of it. Being quite familiar with […]

  9. […] of weird fiction have been very good to my debut collection, Unseaming — it’s easily the fastest-selling title I’ve ever produced in my 20 years of […]

  10. […] Anita and I published through our Mythic Delirium Books imprint, sold out at Readercon. Nor did Unseaming fare poorly, for that matter. And, at the joint party Anita and I held for both books, Carlos […]

  11. […] help and support, but getting there was a bear.   That same month, my short story collection Unseaming made the shortlist for the Shirley Jackson Award and hit sales rank #101 overall on Amazon. […]

  12. […] from del Toro’s Bleak House, the house he maintains as a kind of personal inspiration space. Unseaming pops up in a photo in the accompanying catalogue; it’s on a shelf in his living room, behind […]

  13. […] had published in a series that begins with “The Hiker’s Tale” (collected in Unseaming) and continues in Follow the Wounded One (published as a standalone chapbook by Not One of Us); my […]

  14. […] I’ve shepherded to break 5,000 copies sold. (The first was my own debut short story collection Unseaming last year.) And, gratifyingly, Clockwork Phoenix 5 became the fourth book affiliated with me to […]

  15. […] published work to date, originally available only in my Shirley Jackson Award-nominated collection Unseaming. My thanks to Jason Sizemore and his crew for bringing it to a whole new […]

  16. […] and more; and I was thrilled to learn that the second installment includes my horror collection Unseaming. His one-line […]

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