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Fun with giveaways

/ July 29th, 2014 / No Comments »

Sharing some of the entertaining consequences of my big ole Goodreads/Kindle giveaway (details here):    

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It lives! One Kindle/Goodreads giveaway to rule them all

/ July 27th, 2014 / 1 Comment »

My slugline there isn’t hyberbole if you understand that I’ve comparing this one to all the other giveaways I’ve personally done.   There’s five more days to go in the Goodreads giveaway for my upcoming short story collection Unseaming: twenty paperback advance reading copies are

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Aug. 1 in New Paltz, NY, I am reading from UNSEAMING

/ July 23rd, 2014 / 2 Comments »

I’m thrilled to announce I’m going to be reading from my forthcoming horror story collection Unseaming at 7 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 1 in the Inquiring Minds bookstore in New Paltz, NY. The Facebook event page for the reading is here.   I have to

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Guest post at THE REVIEW REVIEW on the digital revolution

/ July 8th, 2014 / 2 Comments »

Over at The Review Review, a review site for literary magazines, I’ve contributed a “Publishing Tips” article, which the editors titled On Crowdfunding, Paying Writers, and the Shift to Digital: An Editor Tells His Story. I was asked by poet Alicia Cole to talk about

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/ July 3rd, 2014 / No Comments »

Sometimes the writing life smiles on you. Much of the time it doesn’t, but sometimes it really does. Two weekends ago I was stabbing at a creepy-crawly, half-finished horror story called “Tardigrade,” unsure what direction I wanted to take it, hoping I could figure it

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Advance Reader Copy Giveaway of UNSEAMING

/ June 30th, 2014 / No Comments »

Antimatter Press is giving away 20 ARCs of my debut horror collection Unseaming. For details, click the widget! Goodreads Book Giveaway Unseaming by Mike Allen Giveaway ends July 31, 2014. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win

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Another Tour of the Abattoir at TALES TO TERRIFY

/ June 16th, 2014 / No Comments »

This latest episode of Tales to Terrify concludes an epic four-part serial of William Hope Hodgson’s The House on the Borderland … and it also contains my latest “Tour of the Abattoir” audio column, in which, at the suggestion of Dominik Parisien, I talk about

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An interview with me at Online Writing Workshop

/ June 16th, 2014 / No Comments »

Jaime Lee Moyer (whose latest novel, A Barricade in Hell, just hit the stands) interviewed me for the Online Writing Workshop newsletter. I talk about why the standard approaches to putting together anthologies won’t work for Clockwork Phoenix, among other things. You can read the

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Two Mind Melds

/ June 5th, 2014 / No Comments »

Recently I was recruited for back-to-back “MindMelds” at SF Signal, in which assorted panelists of authors are asked to riff on sometimes esoteric topics.   In the first, “Our Favorite Food and Drink From Scifi and Fantasy!” I talk about the cooking and eating of

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My first short story collection, UNSEAMING, comes out in October

/ June 2nd, 2014 / No Comments »

I’m thrilled to announce that my first short story collection, Unseaming, will be coming out in October from Antimatter Press, in time for the World Fantasy Convention in Washington, D.C.   This is a project that’s been in the works for at least three years,

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