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CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4: official table of contents

/ January 15th, 2013 / 3 Comments »

(NOTE: This is culled from a recently posted update on the Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter. If you’re a backer, and you haven’t read the full update yet, I recommend that you do. It’s chock full of things you need to know, much of it time

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A teaser Clockwork Phoenix 4 post

/ January 12th, 2013 / 2 Comments »

I’ve selected all the stories for Clockwork Phoenix 4. All contracts have been sent, and payments have started going out. This is what the Kickstarter was all about — without all your generous pledges, I could not make this part happen. There are 18 stories,

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So what on Earth happened in 2012?

/ January 7th, 2013 / 4 Comments »

I’m still asking myself this. In terms of writing, editing and publishing, this was easily my biggest year since 2009 (when I was up for the Nebula for “The Button Bin” and had released the 10th anniversary issue of Mythic Delirium and the second volume

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No “Tour of the Abattoir” this month

/ December 22nd, 2012 / No Comments »

For the few and the proud who watch for it, I won’t be recording a “Tour of the Abattoir” column this month for Tales to Terrify. I had spent most of last week wrestling with the Clockwork Phoenix 4 submission pile, with plans to draft

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last call re: Clockwork Phoenix 4 submissions

/ December 18th, 2012 / No Comments »

At this point, if you haven’t heard from myself, Anita, Sally or Sabrina about your submission to Clockwork Phoenix 4, either you are a finalist or you slipped through the cracks somehow. Feel free to query at If you are a finalist, I’m afraid

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Clockwork Phoenix 4 now closed to submissions

/ December 15th, 2012 / No Comments »

We finished up with more than 1,450 submissions in the pile. That’s by far the most received for any of the books in the series. I expect to have all the finalists chosen by the end of the weekend … Then it’s time to select

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The Clockwork Phoenix pins went out in the mail today

/ December 12th, 2012 / No Comments »

So yet another step in the Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter reward process done. Next up, the special chapbook edition of Cherie Priest’s The Immigrant. Click photos to see the Facebook album.

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Anita has finished the Clockwork Phoenix pins (a Kickstarter update)

/ November 30th, 2012 / No Comments »

Anita has completed the Clockwork Phoenix pins promised as rewards in the Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter. Check ’em out! (You can see more pictures at the Facebook page for her craft store, The Fairie Emporium.)

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Just a reminder: my “Evil Friday” Kindle story giveaway ends tonight

/ November 27th, 2012 / No Comments »

Get ’em while they’re hot.

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My ongoing free Kindle story giveaway: things I have observed and learned

/ November 25th, 2012 / 1 Comment »

Friday I launched a promotional giveaway of my three short stories available through Kindle. It continues through Tuesday night. Here’s what’s happened, what it may or may not mean, and what’s meaningless but definitely fun. I have six e-books uploaded to Kindle. Three of them

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