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Free Kindle stories! A sinister Black Friday celebration

/ November 23rd, 2012 / 5 Comments »

In honor of the wickedly dubious achievement of the three volumes of Clockwork Phoenix having sold a total of 666 copies in e-book form as of today, I am making my three strange short stories on Kindle (“She Who Runs,” “Sleepless, Burning Life,” “Stolen Souls“)

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“Machine Guns Loaded with Pomegranate Seeds” appears at Strange Horizons

/ November 19th, 2012 / No Comments »

My tongue-in-cheek anti-Persephone-poem poem “Machine Guns Loaded with Pomegranate Seeds” appeared today at Strange Horizons. My thanks to Sonya Taaffe for giving this piece a home. My thanks also to Amal El-Mohtar for this delightful Twitter review: Only @mythicdelirium could make me burst out laughing

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A new “Tour of the Abattoir” at Tales to Terrify

/ November 16th, 2012 / No Comments »

The latest Tales to Terrify podcast contains my newest “Tour of the Abattoir” column, in which I review stories from the first two issue of John Joseph Adams’ new publishing venture Nightmare Magazine, by Jonathan Maberry, Genevieve Valentine, Sarah Langan and Desirina Boskovich.  

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Mythic Delirium 27 on its way to mailboxes around the world

/ November 15th, 2012 / 3 Comments »

The newest issue of Mythic Delirium shipped out yesterday to destinations in all corners of the globe. There’s a darkly romantic theme to its offerings, with a new steampunk sonnet from Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Award winner Ken Liu, as well as contributions from

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Look for these to start going out in the mail Wednesday

/ November 12th, 2012 / No Comments »

If you want to make sure you get one, here’s how.

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Mythic Delirium 27 just a week away

/ November 7th, 2012 / No Comments »

The newest issue of the zine, featuring Ken Liu, Theodora Goss, Rachel Swirsky, Shira Lipkin, Sonya Taaffe, Alex Dally MacFarlane, Rose Lemberg and more, has made the transition to a physical object. Tomorrow it will go to the printer for binding. Evidence below:

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Clockwork Phoenix 4 submissions update

/ November 7th, 2012 / No Comments »

If you submitted a story to Clockwork Phoenix 4 in October and you haven’t received a response, it’s either because I’m holding your story for further consideration, or it somehow fell through the cracks in my submission system. Either way I encourage you to query.

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A Clockwork Phoenix guidelines clarification: “rococo sf”

/ November 5th, 2012 / 2 Comments »

At, Bogi Takács asked me for a clarification of what “rococo sf” means in the Clockwork Phoenix guidelines. This was my response: My plea for “rococo sf” has caused puzzlement before. I recognize that recommending that people read the books to see what I

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Mythic Delirium 27 cover complete

/ November 1st, 2012 / No Comments »

I wanted to show off how Tim Mullins handled adding the poet names to Paula Friedlander’s art. Next comes printing. Now is a good time to subscribe.

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Mythic Delirium 27 cover preview

/ October 29th, 2012 / No Comments »

Before Hurricane Sandy has her way with the East Coast, I wanted it known for the record that Mythic Delirium 27 has cover art now, created by Paula Friedlander. The table of contents of Mythic Delirium 27 can be found here. If you don’t want

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