Author Archive

A review of “The King of Cats, the Queen of Wolves” — and fan art!

/ April 20th, 2011 / No Comments »

At the Fantasy Literature blog, there’s a review of the March 2011 issue of Apex Magazine that includes mention of the poetry. Reviewer Terry Weyna has this to say about “The King of Cats, the Queen of Wolves,” the poem I co-wrote with Sonya Taaffe

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Poems from The Journey to Kailash III

/ April 20th, 2011 / 5 Comments »

A Curtain of Stars   The needle repeats with imperfect persistence dotted thread lines, new meridians in cloth, stitches connections between constellations, binds warm lining to a curtain of stars; a seam that would only compliment the cloud-free night should it appear there suddenly crisscrossing

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A note about “Requited”

/ April 19th, 2011 / No Comments »

This rough-hewn villanelle is wicked fun of a sort on the surface, but there’s something utterly unfunny underneath. When I worked as a courts reporter, covering crimes, I learned that many terrible things follow utterly predictable patterns. I covered several murders that could be summed

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Poems from The Journey to Kailash II

/ April 19th, 2011 / 2 Comments »

Requited   You killed me to keep me near. Seven days, from then till now. Why won’t you kiss me, dear? Your fingers squeezed my cries of fear to silence as you kept your vow. You killed me to keep me near. You’ve slaked your

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A note about “Defacing the Moon”

/ April 18th, 2011 / No Comments »

I have more to say about this little poem than I thought I would. This was the title poem of my first collection, and I’ve used it in both of my big fat (by poetry standards) retrospectives, and when I give a poetry workshop, this

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A new post at Black Gate: Through Mordor to the Unreal City

/ April 18th, 2011 / No Comments »

Through Mordor to the Unreal City: A National Poetry Month Post

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Poems from The Journey to Kailash

/ April 18th, 2011 / 1 Comment »

Defacing the Moon   Your ship’s sharpened keel slides across airless seas, blown by the breath of your desires. Those sails stretch like skin to catch the winds of your whimsy, and the keelblade carves crags into cheekbones and eyes. Soon your own face will

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Journey to Kailash posts begin tomorrow

/ April 17th, 2011 / No Comments »

Tomorrow, in honor of National Poetry Month, I’m running a series of posts containing selected poems from my 2008 poetry collection, The Journey to Kailash. They’ll appear at 9:30 a.m. every morning for the next 13 days, with a very appropriate choice appearing on the

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A new post at the Interstitial Arts Foundation blog

/ April 14th, 2011 / No Comments »

Kat Howard interviews writer and dancer Megan Kurashige.

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A basket filled with Goblin Fruit

/ April 14th, 2011 / No Comments »

The Spring issue of Goblin Fruit just sprouted up. See for yourself: I note: subscribers to Mythic Delirium are eligible for prizes in their 5th Anniversary Prize Drawing. If you’re not a subscriber, click here for some reasons why maybe you ought to be.

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