Archive for the ‘Clockwork Phoenix’ Category

Clockwork Phoenix 2 stories included in Hartwell & Cramer’s Year’s Best Fantasy 10

/ December 21st, 2011 / No Comments »

I’m proud to be able to announce that two stories from Clockwork Phoenix 2: More Tales of Beauty and Strangeness are going to be included in David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer’s Year’s Best Fantasy 10, forthcoming from They are the novelette that opens

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Mythic Delirium, Clockwork Phoenix now available at Weightless Books

/ December 13th, 2011 / No Comments »

So I kicked off the month with both a new issue of Mythic Delirium 25 out in print the first volume of Clockwork Phoenix re-released as an e-book. I started out making Clockwork Phoenix directly available for Kindle, but if you would rather support a

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e-book adventures, part 1

/ December 12th, 2011 / 3 Comments »

I made my first venture into the much-hyped e-book rush this past week with a new edition of the first volume in my best-known anthology series, Clockwork Phoenix. It’s fascinating to be able to see results in real-time in a way you can’t with print

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Signal boost: Past Future Present 2011

/ December 7th, 2011 / No Comments »

My new edition of the first Clockwork Phoenix book for Kindle isn’t the only thing I’ll have out in that venue this week. I’m taking part in an e-book only anthology, Past Future Present 2011, that’s scheduled to become available Saturday for a whopping 99

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Fantastique Unfettered 4: in which I have a novelette, 3 poems & an interview

/ December 6th, 2011 / 3 Comments »

I spent a fair chunk of last week (when I wasn’t fine tuning the new Kindle edition of Clockwork Phoenix or stuffing envelopes with the new issue of Mythic Delirium) proofing my portion of the new issue of the gorgeous print zine Fantastique Unfettered, due

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Mythic Delirium 25 now out; Clockwork Phoenix 1 available for Kindle

/ December 5th, 2011 / No Comments »

A couple of mini-Herculean labors have come to fruition here over the weekend. The newest issue of Mythic Delirium, Issue 25, is finished up and in the mail to all subscribers and contributors. And the first volume of Clockwork Phoenix is available as an e-book

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What’s been going on with me? (A list.)

/ November 14th, 2011 / No Comments »

There’s a lot of stuff going on in my writing career right now, a lot of “let’s do this and see where it goes” sort of things. So here’s some ketchup: I’ve sent out the first batch of agent queries for my new novel, Silver

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Nicole Kornher-Stace’s “To Seek Her Fortune” from Clockwork Phoenix 3 now at StarShipSofa

/ November 3rd, 2011 / No Comments »

I’m delighted to announce this morning that Nicole Kornher-Stace’s weird mystical steampunk tale “To Seek Her Fortune” from Clockwork Phoenix 3 is available now as a podcast at the Hugo Award-winning StarShipSofa. Go, listen, enjoy!

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C.S.E. Cooney’s “Braiding the Ghosts” from Clockwork Phoenix 3 now at Podcastle

/ October 11th, 2011 / No Comments »

I’m pleased to report today that Claire aka C.S.E. Cooney’s popular novelette “Braiding the Ghosts” from Clockwork Phoenix 3 has been made available today for your listening pleasure as a “Giant Episode” at Podcastle. Go, click, listen, enjoy!

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Clockwork Phoenix 3 stories receive honorable mentions in Gardner Dozois’ The Year’s Best Science Fiction

/ July 7th, 2011 / No Comments »

Congratulations to the following writers from Clockwork Phoenix 3: New Tales of Beauty and Strangeness who have received honorable mentions from Gardner Dozois in the newest edition of The Year’s Best Science Fiction. “Braiding the Ghosts,” C.S.E. Cooney “Hell Friend,” Gemma Files “Lucyna’s Gaze,” Gregory

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