Archive for the ‘Strangeness’ Category

Stunning cover art for my next poetry collection

/ December 17th, 2013 / No Comments »

I’m thrilled to be able to show off Paula Friedlander’s amazing cover art for my next poetry collection, Hungry Constellations.     This collection originates with the Mythic Delirium Kickstarter. None of my poetry collections are available in ebook form, so as incentive to make

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Tour of the Abattoir, Tales to Terrify, Laird Barron, Clive Barker

/ December 1st, 2013 / No Comments »

My latest “Tour of the Abattoir” audio column is up at Tales to Terrify. This time I talk about horror master Laird Barron’s new short story collection, The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All, and also touch on a book that collects some obscure early

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My Hungry Consellations poem cycle featured at GOBLIN FRUIT

/ October 19th, 2013 / No Comments »

There’s a new issue of Goblin Fruit out, which is always reason to celebrate.     I have a special reason beyond the norm to celebrate this particular issue. The Goblin Queens have honored me by publishing “Hungry Constellations,” a light-hearted (for me) meditation on

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Translated into Russian!

/ September 16th, 2013 / No Comments »

My contributor’s copy arrived today of the Russian edition of Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year One, which contains my poem “The Thirteenth Hell.” This is the first time my work has ever been translated. It’s neat to see my name in Cyrillic. (Photos

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FLYING HIGHER — a free ebook of superhero poetry

/ August 8th, 2013 / No Comments »

The completely free e-book only poetry anthology Flying Higher: An Anthology of Superhero Poetry, edited by Shira Lipkin and Michael Damian Thomas, just came out today. It contains among many other things my incredibly silly poem “Darksein the Diabolic Plots His Comeback from Beyond the

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The CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 special signed edition continues its travels

/ July 22nd, 2013 / No Comments »

Here it is with Camille Alexa in Montreal, just prior to heading out for Tokyo. #SFWApro

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Mythic Delirium Kickstarter update: blowed up real good!

/ July 17th, 2013 / No Comments »

Cross-posted from Mythic Delirium Kickstarter update #11: Unsurprisingly, it took no time at all to find someone interested in seeing me get blowed up real good. Enjoy, folks! #SFWApro

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The jewelry pins for the Mythic Delirium Kickstarter in progress

/ July 8th, 2013 / 1 Comment »

So a year ago today, more or less, I launched my first Kickstarter, to make Clockwork Phoenix 4. And thanks to amazing support from this community, that ended up going really, really well. Today, my second and much smaller Kickstarter is less than $300 away

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Anita is making action figures of my novel characters

/ July 7th, 2013 / No Comments »

Anita’s been making dolls of the characters from my first novel, THE BLACK FIRE CONCERTO. These dolls are still in progress, but I can sure tell who they are. From left to right: a Grey One from the temple above Violet Bluff, my novel with

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The pins Anita is making for the Mythic Delirium Kickstarter: a teaser

/ July 3rd, 2013 / No Comments »

Anita has shared the first image of the pins she’s making as rewards for the Mythic Delirium Kickstarter (which has less than $1,000 to go to be fully funded; click the link for proof.) #SFWApro She also offers this poem: Twenty little pinny pins, all

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