Archive for the ‘Strangeness’ Category

New Tour of the Abattoir column at Tales to Terrify

/ October 19th, 2012 / No Comments »

My “Tour of the Abattoir” audio column for Larry Santoro’s Tales to Terrify horror podcast skipped the month of September so that I could finish novel edits for The Black Fire Concerto, coming very soon as an e-book from the fine madmen at Black Gate.

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A work-in-progress meme (Carrie Cuinn made me do this)

/ October 4th, 2012 / 5 Comments »

UPDATE 10/17: Claire Cooney’s response to this meme can be found here, and there’s a roundup by Rose Lemberg of several more here. UPDATE 10/11: Juliette Wade’s response to this meme can be found here. UPDATE 10/10: Nicole Kornher-Stace’s response to this meme can be

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And even more mockup fun (cover in progress)

/ September 10th, 2012 / 2 Comments »
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More fun with logos and mockups (work in progress)

/ September 9th, 2012 / No Comments »

I’ve also updated the Clockwork Phoenix guidelines. Though this too is still a bit of a work in progress.

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Fun with logos (work in progress)

/ September 1st, 2012 / No Comments »
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Trying to play

/ August 25th, 2012 / 1 Comment »

With LJ Crossposter

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New Clockwork Phoenix update (w/ video): Story critiques, “book cases,” & a possible submission window

/ July 29th, 2012 / No Comments »

Reposted from Update #12 of the Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter. Hi, folks! I hope you’re having a good weekend and getting to enjoy some of the Olympics. We’re battening down for the final stretch. There’s only 10 days left and we’ve still got a long way

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Rescuing a poem from the Wayback Machine…

/ June 28th, 2012 / No Comments »

…which was the only place where it could be found until I reposted it just now. I’m not even certain if Christina or I still have copies. GODBODY By Christina Sng and Mike Allen Shark soldiers descend the Great One’s gullet, teeth painted for battle,

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In which I cameo in a friend’s short story collection

/ May 29th, 2012 / No Comments »

This handsome new hardcover short story collection from British puckster (prank-star?) Ian Watson…. …contains the wacky novelette that he and I co-wrote, “Dee-Dee and the Dumpy Dancers,” accurately described by The Guardian as a “bizarre vision … featuring aerial ballet and alien turkeys.”

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New issue of Goblin Fruit featuring Mythic Delirium artist Paula Friedlander

/ April 24th, 2012 / No Comments »

A new issue of Goblin Fruit is always a reason to celebrate. And I’m delighted that this issue’s guest artist is none other than longtime Mythic Delirium contributor Paula Friedlander. Goblin Fruit co-editor Amal El-Mohtar is also a contributor to the latest issue of Mythic

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