Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category

SOLARIS RISING 2 a finalist for the Philip K. Dick Award

/ March 10th, 2014 / No Comments »

This is actually old news, but it’s taken me quite a while to get around to making a note of it, so please forgive. The Ian Whates-edited anthology Solaris Rising 2: The New Solaris Book of Science Fiction, which contains my far future sf story

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Fiction uploaded to SFWA Forums

/ November 2nd, 2013 / No Comments »

This notice is mainly for those associate and active SFWA members who have access to the private forums. I’ve made all of the following available there for those looking for material for Nebula consideration. #SFWApro     The Black Fire Concerto (novel, by me!) PDF,

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“The Magic Walnut” from Mythic Delirium 25 a Dwarf Stars nominee

/ October 19th, 2012 / No Comments »

Congratulations to poet Sofía Rhei (and translator Lawrence Schimel) whose poem “The Magic Walnut” from Mythic Delirium 25 is a contender for the 2012 Dwarf Stars Awards. (I’ve mentioned earlier that my own poem co-written with Anita, “Unland, Unlife,” is also in the running, along

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My poem with Anita, “Unland, Unlife,” up for Dwarf Stars Award

/ September 24th, 2012 / 2 Comments »

I learned last night that my poem “Unland, Unlife,” co-written with Anita, has been selected to be one of the contenders for the 2012 Dwarf Stars Award. This is the first time we’ve been up for a writing award for something we’ve composed together. Way

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Shira Lipkin’s “The Library, After” from Mythic Delirium 24 wins 2012 Rhysling Award for short poem

/ July 18th, 2012 / No Comments »

One of the surprise delights of ReaderCon this past weekend was learning via word of mouth that my buddy Shira Lipkin had won the 2012 Rhysling Award for short poem with her surreal prose piece “The Library, After,” which I published in Mythic Delirium 24.

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Clockwork Phoenix 2 reborn as e-book

/ March 13th, 2012 / No Comments »

Three months later than I originally planned, I’ve finished converting Clockwork Phoenix 2: More Tales of Beauty and Strangeness to e-book format. It’s available now on Amazon for Kindle and will soon be available in EPUB and MOBI format at Weightless Books. Between reacquainting myself

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An award nomination and a nice review

/ January 30th, 2012 / No Comments »

Some nice recognitions for my poetry over the past few days. First, the poem that I co-wrote with Sonya Taaffe and Nicole Kornher-Stace, “The King of Cats, the Queen of Wolves,” selected by Catherynne M. Valente for publication in Apex Magazine last year, has been

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Clockwork Phoenix 2 stories included in Hartwell & Cramer’s Year’s Best Fantasy 10

/ December 21st, 2011 / No Comments »

I’m proud to be able to announce that two stories from Clockwork Phoenix 2: More Tales of Beauty and Strangeness are going to be included in David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer’s Year’s Best Fantasy 10, forthcoming from They are the novelette that opens

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Because it deserves to be said again

/ April 13th, 2011 / 2 Comments »

Congratulations to these poets with work from Mythic Delirium in contention for the 2011 Rhysling Awards: short poem category Jennifer Crow, “We Took Our Gods”, Issue 21, January 2010 Lyn C. A. Gardner, “Midnight Posture”, Issue 23, Summer/Fall 2010 Shweta Narayan, “Cave-smell”, Issue 22, Winter/Spring

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