Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category

End of year summary 2015: a beautiful nightmare

/ December 30th, 2015 / 2 Comments »

So I drop in a heap at the end of 2015 feeling like I’ve packed several years’ worth of creative living into one. This ain’t the first time for that, but even judged my often hyper-busy standard this has been a barnstormer of a year,

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Chesley Award UNSEAMING sale

/ August 19th, 2015 / No Comments »

In honor of Danielle Tunstall‘s Chesley Award nomination for best paperback cover, the ebook edition of Unseaming will be on sale for 99 cents through Thursday night.   The Chesley Awards, given by the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists, will be announced Thursday

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Not a Readercon report

/ July 29th, 2015 / No Comments »

Readercon was great, but as I’m in the midst of reading Clockwork Phoenix 5 submissions and starting on a novel revision, I’m not going to be able to provide any kind of detailed report.     I did not win the Shirley Jackson Award, though

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HUNGRY CONSTELLATIONS is an Elgin Award nominee

/ July 2nd, 2015 / No Comments »

Last week I found out that my newest poetry collection, Hungry Constellations, is a Suzette Haden Elgin Award nominee. This is a relatively new award given by the Science Fiction Poetry Association for best poetry collection, chosen by member vote.   I considered Suzette a

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My Readercon schedule (is pretty sweet)

/ June 28th, 2015 / 1 Comment »

So I have my final Readercon schedule and it’s pretty awesome (I am going to be one busy, busy tiger) though it doesn’t cover things like the dual-book party Anita and I will throw to celebrate the launch of Bone Swans by C.S.E. Cooney and

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UNSEAMING cover artist a Chesley Award nominee

/ June 16th, 2015 / No Comments »

Even before the release of Unseaming last October, folks were expressing to me their enthusiasm for (or terror of, or repulsion by, or some combination thereof) horror photographer Danielle Tunstall’s arresting cover image. The buzz only grew once the book came out.   (Fact is,

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UNSEAMING is a Shirley Jackson Award finalist (and a CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5 giveaway prize)

/ May 8th, 2015 / No Comments »

So this was always the plan—   Well, the idea that my short story collection Unseaming would be one of the rewards in a Kickstarter campaign for Clockwork Phoenix 5, that has been my plan for quite some time. Most every publishing project I tackled

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UNSEAMING a nominee for This Is Horror best story collection award

/ January 7th, 2015 / No Comments »

I woke up this morning to the news that my book Unseaming is a nominee for the 2014 This Is Horror Awards in the category Short Story Collection of the Year. Both nominations and awards are chosen by popular vote, and the competition is fearsome,

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My poem Hungry Constellations is a Rhysling honoree

/ December 15th, 2014 / No Comments »

My thanks to the voting membership of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, who bestowed a 2nd place Rhysling Award (in the “long poem” category) on my poem “Hungry Constellations,” which first appeared as a feature presentation in the absolutely essential Goblin Fruit, and is now

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The Quiltmaker + 2014 eligibility post

/ December 3rd, 2014 / 2 Comments »

I suppose I should start with the obvious: my first ever short story collection Unseaming is new this year and eligible in “best story collection” categories. Someone saw fit to suggest it be included in this completely unofficial list, which still tickles me to no

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