Archive for the ‘Kickstarter’ Category

New rewards at the Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter (& another interview)

/ July 27th, 2012 / No Comments »

The Interstitial Arts Foundation has posted an interview with me about the Clockwork Phoenix Kickstarter and other things. My thanks to them for lending me a soapbox. In pursuit of our goal of going pro, we’ve added some new reward levels. Anita and I are

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Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter hits halfway mark + interview at Marshall’s Super-Sekrit Clubhouse

/ July 24th, 2012 / No Comments »

Today the Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter reached the halfway point, with 15 days done and 15 days to go. I’m amazed at the progress we’ve made, but we’re still chasing that elusive $8,000 goal so that for the first time the series can pay pro

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Why I chose Kickstarter: a guest post at SF Signal

/ July 23rd, 2012 / No Comments »

John DeNardo of SF Signal graciously allowed me to go on at length about why I turned to Kickstarter to fund Clockwork Phoenix 4. But, just as with Mythic Delirium all those years ago, my parent company hit hard times, no one else is going

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Clockwork Phoenix 4 is fully funded! And has a new $8,000 stretch goal

/ July 22nd, 2012 / No Comments »

If anyone had told me that I would wake up on the twelfth day of our Kickstarter campaign and discover that WE ARE ALREADY FULLY FUNDED I am not sure what I would have said to them. But I can tell you what I have

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Post-ReaderCon Clockwork Phoenix 4 update

/ July 18th, 2012 / No Comments »

NOTE: This is taken from my most recent update posted on the Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter page. I hope to have time for something like an actual con report later today or this week; Kickstarters apparently eat one’s life whole. Anita and I have just

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Please spread the word: Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter now live

/ July 10th, 2012 / No Comments »

I am very pleased, thrilled, chuffed (and perhaps even a little nervous) to announce that Anita and I have launched a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of raising the funds to assemble and publish a fourth volume of Clockwork Phoenix. It has a convenient Tiny URL:

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