Archive for the ‘Fiction’ Category

30th Anniversary Celebration Interview and Sale: Part Three

/ September 25th, 2022 / No Comments »

Six dark fantasy and horror titlesdiscounted to 99¢for an early Halloween start See a map of how my stories and upcoming novel connect Read the beginning of my 30th anniversary interview Read the second part of the interview How did you rise to become the

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30th Anniversary Celebration Interview and Sale: Part Two

/ September 23rd, 2022 / No Comments »

Six dark fantasy and horror titlesdiscounted to 99¢for an early Halloween start See a map of how my stories and upcoming novel connect Read the beginning of my 30th anniversary interview How do you feel about the way your poetry was distributed versus your prose?

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30th Anniversary Celebration Interview and Sale: Part One

/ September 23rd, 2022 / No Comments »

1992 was the year I graduated from Virginia Tech, and also the year Anita and I got married. We celebrated that anniversary with a two-part adventure; the first part took us on an artists’ retreat by beautiful Burke’s Garden in Tazewell County, Virginia; the second

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Mythic Delirium news: “An Unkindness” by Jessica P. Wick from A SINISTER QUARTET a Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy selection

/ June 5th, 2022 / No Comments »

We live in an era of time distortion. Mostly it’s a bloody distressing state, but occasionally there’s a boon — such as this wonderful and unexpected opportunity to congratulate A Sinister Quartet contributor Jessica P. Wick, whose debut novella “An Unkindness” has been selected for

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Four new stories so far in 2022, plus some nice poem news

/ March 27th, 2022 / No Comments »

In 2021, with the exception of a handful of poems (and more on that below) I was pretty dormant as a writer of published fiction (all the action was on the journalism side of my life, subject matter that I don’t discuss here — that’s

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Presenting DARK BREAKERS: video and interview with C. S. E. Cooney + launch sale

/ February 15th, 2022 / No Comments »

Today the special pre-order sale that we have been holding on e-book editions of C.S.E. Cooney’s new collection Dark Breakers officially switches to being the launch sale for the book, as as of today Dark Breakers is officially out in the world and available. The

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And six months went by like nothing

/ January 12th, 2022 / No Comments »

Who reads blogs anymore anyway? The purpose of this post, basically, is to play a sheepish game of catch-up. My work-life balance got completely tipped over in 2021 — though for an arguably GOOD reason, a promotion — and because of that I let posts

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Novel sale, story sales, new poems and my true self

/ August 26th, 2021 / No Comments »

Howdy again, folks! I’ve had a fair number of cool things happen here in 2021 that I have yet to record here. Rather than continue to wait for a block of time to open up, I decided I’d better go ahead and launch these bottle

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Aftermath of a Shirley Jackson Award nomination

/ July 20th, 2021 / No Comments »

Boy, did this take an embarrassingly long time to write. I’ll be frank: I had resigned myself to the notion that, as a single drop tossed out into the world-changing tsunami of 2020, my book Aftermath of an Industrial Accident had already made all the

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THIS THURSDAY: A strange, weird and uncanny reading (+ a terrific AFTERMATH review)

/ July 11th, 2021 / No Comments »

I’m delighted to share that on Thursday, July 15, at 8 p.m. EST, I’ll be taking part in the second installment of a summer reading series organized by my colleague in Weird fiction, Daniel Braum. I’m thrilled to be part of a stellar lineup of

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