Archive for the ‘Fiction’ Category

So what on Earth happened in 2012?

/ January 7th, 2013 / 4 Comments »

I’m still asking myself this. In terms of writing, editing and publishing, this was easily my biggest year since 2009 (when I was up for the Nebula for “The Button Bin” and had released the 10th anniversary issue of Mythic Delirium and the second volume

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Just a reminder: my “Evil Friday” Kindle story giveaway ends tonight

/ November 27th, 2012 / No Comments »

Get ’em while they’re hot.

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My ongoing free Kindle story giveaway: things I have observed and learned

/ November 25th, 2012 / 1 Comment »

Friday I launched a promotional giveaway of my three short stories available through Kindle. It continues through Tuesday night. Here’s what’s happened, what it may or may not mean, and what’s meaningless but definitely fun. I have six e-books uploaded to Kindle. Three of them

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Free Kindle stories! A sinister Black Friday celebration

/ November 23rd, 2012 / 5 Comments »

In honor of the wickedly dubious achievement of the three volumes of Clockwork Phoenix having sold a total of 666 copies in e-book form as of today, I am making my three strange short stories on Kindle (“She Who Runs,” “Sleepless, Burning Life,” “Stolen Souls“)

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A new “Tour of the Abattoir” at Tales to Terrify

/ November 16th, 2012 / No Comments »

The latest Tales to Terrify podcast contains my newest “Tour of the Abattoir” column, in which I review stories from the first two issue of John Joseph Adams’ new publishing venture Nightmare Magazine, by Jonathan Maberry, Genevieve Valentine, Sarah Langan and Desirina Boskovich.  

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New Tour of the Abattoir column at Tales to Terrify

/ October 19th, 2012 / No Comments »

My “Tour of the Abattoir” audio column for Larry Santoro’s Tales to Terrify horror podcast skipped the month of September so that I could finish novel edits for The Black Fire Concerto, coming very soon as an e-book from the fine madmen at Black Gate.

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Black Gate website to publish excerpt from my novel The Black Fire Concerto

/ October 11th, 2012 / No Comments »

The guys behind Black Gate have announced that they’ve started publishing fiction on their website, which is great news for those who love fantasy short fiction in general, and also great news for me, as they’ll soon be publishing the standalone novelette that opens my

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Short story sale: part 2, the thank you note

/ October 10th, 2012 / No Comments »

Monday, I mentioned selling my new short story “Still Life With Skull” to Solaris Rising 2: The New Solaris Book of Science Fiction. What I didn’t mention was the minor miracle involved in finishing it and the people I need to thank. See, as it

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Short story sale to Solaris Rising 2: The New Solaris Book of Science Fiction

/ October 8th, 2012 / 1 Comment »

At last it can be told (as the contract has been received and replied to): my science fiction short story “Still Life With Skull” has sold to editor Ian Whates for inclusion in Solaris Rising 2: The New Solaris Book of Science Fiction, which is

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A work-in-progress meme (Carrie Cuinn made me do this)

/ October 4th, 2012 / 5 Comments »

UPDATE 10/17: Claire Cooney’s response to this meme can be found here, and there’s a roundup by Rose Lemberg of several more here. UPDATE 10/11: Juliette Wade’s response to this meme can be found here. UPDATE 10/10: Nicole Kornher-Stace’s response to this meme can be

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