Archive for the ‘Fiction’ Category

The last Claire-dare poem and a look back

/ April 15th, 2015 / 1 Comment »

So, at the end of 2010, I thought my days of writing poetry were behind me. I had gone from someone excited about speculative poetry, who advocated for it anywhere the opportunity arose, to someone so burned out and dejected by the state of the

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New story sale, new Rhysling nomination

/ April 14th, 2015 / No Comments »

So I’ve written a new Lovecraftian tale, my first explicit stab at the Mythos since “Her Acres of Pastoral Playground” appeared in Cthulhu’s Reign in 2010.   My new story is called “The Sun Saw,” and I’m proud to share that it will be appearing

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/ April 13th, 2015 / No Comments »

Ha! I’m been so busy doing things I’ve fallen behind on the blogistic duty of explaining what I’ve been up to. Well, this is a good way to return to form.   My Unseaming “book tour” is over, or has at least landed in a

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In case you missed it (cuz I did too!): new story at DRABBLECAST

/ March 23rd, 2015 / No Comments »

Ticks are never easy to spot. An intelligent species of them would be especially evasive, n’est-ce pas?   Folks familiar with my work might find my short story “Tick Flick” an unusually sweet and sentimental depiction of friendship, except that the friends so depicted happen

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New with UNSEAMING: KGB reading Feb. 18; bonus story for Kindle

/ February 12th, 2015 / No Comments »

Fans of weird fiction have been very good to my debut collection, Unseaming — it’s easily the fastest-selling title I’ve ever produced in my 20 years of doing this kind of thing. (And though out-selling my previous titles leaps a pretty low bar, had you

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Something completely different: THE SKY-RIDERS, in ebook and audio

/ February 12th, 2015 / No Comments »

So I waited until all the pieces were in place before formally announcing this one, though I’ve been plugging it on Twitter for a lil’ while now. Behold The Sky-Riders, a new novelette that’s quite a departure for me, available in numerous online places in

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My novel THE BLACK FIRE CONCERTO gets a makeover, more editions, more vendors

/ February 11th, 2015 / 1 Comment »

My first published novel, The Black Fire Concerto, started its term of undeadness in this world as an Amazon exclusive. This past year I’ve been gradually pulling all my books (or having them pulled out) of all such Amazon-only deals, and Black Fire Concerto is

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/ February 9th, 2015 / No Comments »

Though it’s possible I still looked productive to most everyone else, I went through a long spell in 2013 and the first half of 2014 where I wasn’t selling any new work. (These things happen to writers, heh. Perhaps worth noting, if you don’t believe

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ARC Giveaway: BONE SWANS by C.S.E. Cooney

/ January 28th, 2015 / 21 Comments »

UPDATE: And the winner is … Shawna Lenore Kastin. Thanks to all who participated! So, first, the giveaway rules: If you want to enter this giveaway for C.S.E. Cooney’s beautiful debut fantasy collection Bone Swans (introduction by Gene Wolfe, coming in July from Mythic Delirium

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/ January 16th, 2015 / No Comments »

The New York Review of Science Fiction just published a review of my collection Unseaming; I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve ever been mentioned in that journal. Reviewer Peter Rawlik has both praise and criticism to offer my book, but ultimately the raves

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