Author Archive

Apex Holiday Horror Contest and Apex Sponsorship

/ November 1st, 2020 / No Comments »

Halloween may have ended, but the occasion for horror certainly has not — and I’m not just talking about the state of the world. There’s plenty of room for the fun kind of horror in other seasons, as the contest that I have the honor

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Halloween Horror Sale + chance for a free e-book!

/ October 1st, 2020 / 1 Comment »

99¢ HORROR SPECIAL Throughout all of October 2020, Mythic Delirium Books is running a Halloween Horror Special, in which all e-book editions of our principle horror titles — our Shirley Jackson Award- and This Is Horror Award-nominated bestseller Unseaming, our newest anthology A Sinister Quartet,

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Stories from SNOW WHITE LEARNS WITCHCRAFT to appear in Best of the Year anthologies

/ September 30th, 2020 / No Comments »

I am celebrating an important day for one of Mythic Delirium Books’ authors by sharing that both of the original stories that Theodora Goss wrote for her collection of fiction and poetry Snow White Learns Witchcraft are getting reprinted in year’s best collections. Both stories

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/ August 13th, 2020 / No Comments »

Last month (man, has time gotten away from me) I had the privilege to take part in two group readings promoting my most recent offerings as a writer and as a publisher, and those readings have since been archived online where I can share them.

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Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading from AFTERMATH OF AN INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT: Wednesday, July 15, 7 p.m.

/ July 9th, 2020 / No Comments »

The original plan for this coming Wednesday was for Anita and I to travel to New York, stay alternately with Dan Stace and Nicole Kornher-Stace and then with C. S. E. Cooney and Carlos Hernandez, and then I would arrive in Manhattan with copies of

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A SINISTER QUARTET reading by Cooney, Wick, McGee and me at Book No Further in Roanoke

/ July 8th, 2020 / No Comments »

Alas, C. S. E. Coooney, Jessica P. Wick, Amanda J. McGee and I won’t literally be together in Roanoke, Virginia, for this upcoming reading from A Sinister Quartet. However, we will reunite Saturday, July 18 at 3:30 pm. on Zoom for this new event hosted

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AFTERMATH OF AN INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT and a bittersweet book birthday

/ July 7th, 2020 / No Comments »

My newest horror collection, Aftermath of an Industrial Accident, came out today, at long last. It’s a book that took years to come together, and it had a bit of a rough birth, though I console myself that it wasn’t anywhere near as difficult a

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Psychopomp StoryBundle with C. S. E. Cooney, Nicole Kornher-Stace, Lilith Saintcrow, Beth Cato, Rhonda Parrish and more

/ June 24th, 2020 / No Comments »

I’m pleased to announce that for the first time Mythic Delirium Books is participating in a StoryBundle, thanks to an invitation from writer, editor and Bundle curator Rhonda Parrish! (Seriously, thank you, Rhonda!) You can go straight to the StoryBundle by clicking this link. Rhonda

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AFTERMATH OF AN INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT available for review on Netgalley

/ June 16th, 2020 / No Comments »

The second scary summer release from Mythic Delirium Books is less than a month from release — the first of course is A Sinister Quartet, available most everywhere — and if you have a Netgalley account, then you can request a copy of our second

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SNOW WHITE LEARNS WITCHCRAFT & “A Country Called Winter” are Locus Award finalists!

/ June 16th, 2020 / No Comments »

Even though this news has been out for a couple of weeks, Anita and I are still thrilled to share it: our collection of stories and poems from Theodora Goss, Snow White Learns Witchcraft, is a finalist for the 2020 Locus Award for Best Collection,

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