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New poem in STAR*LINE; new review in RUE MORGUE

/ November 20th, 2017 / No Comments »

So this was a surprise. I’d thought my poem “The Headless Hero” in the October issue of Dreams & Nightmares was going to be my last published poem for a while. But then a poem I had sent to Star*Line came out in the Fall

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New fiction & poetry + adventures in translation: an update

/ October 16th, 2017 / No Comments »

It feels like Anita and I haven’t had much time to take a breath since we got back from from Finland and Iceland in August. In my editorial for the newest issue of Mythic Delirium, I wrote a bit about how that trip went, and

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World Fantasy nomination & Tanith Lee panel at WorldCon 75

/ August 5th, 2017 / No Comments »

I put up a long post at the Mythic Delirium Books website about the World Fantasy Award nominations for my anthology Clockwork Phoenix 5 and for Rachael K. Jones’s story in it, “The Fall Shall Further the Flight in Me.” In that entry, I wrote

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New story sales and stranger things

/ May 16th, 2017 / No Comments »

Back in September, I threw myself full tilt into a long overdue redraft of my fantasy/horror novel Trail of Shadows, after about a year and a half of occasionally pecking at it while dealing with obligations related to Clockwork Phoenix 5. This past Sunday, I

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My schedule (in fact, the entire schedule) for the Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird

/ March 23rd, 2017 / No Comments »

Saturday, I’ll be one of a host of intriguing writer guests reading and giving talks at an event near Atlanta called The Outer Dark Symposium of the Greater Weird. It’s an event created by Anya Martin and Scott Nicolay, the masterminds behind the Outer Dark

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A generous signal boost from Laird Barron + a new poem sale

/ March 14th, 2017 / No Comments »

Laird Barron, one of my favorite horror writers of all time and a really generous guy (don’t miss his latest, Swift to Chase), started a series of posts over at his journal simply titled “Authors to Read.” Part I, from late February, highlighted great books

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Locus Poll + Hugo eligibility/WorldCon + MystiCon

/ February 22nd, 2017 / No Comments »

I’ve often broken the informal “three things make a blog post” law, but this time around I fully intended to combine three things in one post, heh. Thing One: I’m delighted that Clockwork Phoenix 5 made the 2016 Locus Recommending Reading List and thus is

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“The Quiltmaker” at Apex Magazine

/ January 20th, 2017 / 1 Comment »

Starting today at Apex Magazine, my 20,000-word horror story “The Quiltmaker” is free for all to read. This is easily my most gruesome published work to date, originally available only in my Shirley Jackson Award-nominated collection Unseaming. My thanks to Jason Sizemore and his crew

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2016 postmortem and highlights reel

/ January 2nd, 2017 / No Comments »

Overall, 2016 was a pretty mixed year for us. We lost our dog, Loki, a sweet soul who’d been the cheerfully goofy center of our household since 2003. I had injury-related health issues that haven’t fully gone away and Anita had an unwelcome surprise on

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My 2016 awards eligibility post

/ December 12th, 2016 / 1 Comment »

2016 was a strange year for me (and a stressful one, too, though in ways that have little bearing on this post). My output as a publisher was pretty spectacular by personal standards — my awards eligibility post for Mythic Delirium Books can be found

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As publisher and editor

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