Archive for the ‘Clockwork Phoenix’ Category

An interview with me at Online Writing Workshop

/ June 16th, 2014 / No Comments »

Jaime Lee Moyer (whose latest novel, A Barricade in Hell, just hit the stands) interviewed me for the Online Writing Workshop newsletter. I talk about why the standard approaches to putting together anthologies won’t work for Clockwork Phoenix, among other things. You can read the

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Two Mind Melds

/ June 5th, 2014 / No Comments »

Recently I was recruited for back-to-back “MindMelds” at SF Signal, in which assorted panelists of authors are asked to riff on sometimes esoteric topics.   In the first, “Our Favorite Food and Drink From Scifi and Fantasy!” I talk about the cooking and eating of

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Our MystiCon schedules

/ February 12th, 2014 / No Comments »

Anita and I will be on all kinds of panels and workshops at the upcoming MystiCon convention right here in Roanoke. I’ll be reading from my novel The Black Fire Concerto and Anita and I together will be talking about Clockwork Phoenix and anthologies in

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The end times are here (2013 edition)

/ December 30th, 2013 / No Comments »

Last year this time I was ill and bedridden. This year, I’m simply inconvenienced thanks to a kaput computer. I consider this a step up.   In fact I was so sick at this time in 2012 that my year-end summary didn’t turn up until

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Fiction uploaded to SFWA Forums

/ November 2nd, 2013 / No Comments »

This notice is mainly for those associate and active SFWA members who have access to the private forums. I’ve made all of the following available there for those looking for material for Nebula consideration. #SFWApro     The Black Fire Concerto (novel, by me!) PDF,

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The CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 special signed edition in Tokyo

/ August 3rd, 2013 / No Comments »

The special signed edition that was the top reward in the Clockwork Phoenix 4 Kickstarter is continuing its travels. Clockwork Phoenix 4 contributor Yukimi Ogawa writes, “I went to the shrine to wish for its safe journey, and got a traffic safety amulet. I put

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Kenneth Schneyer’s story from CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 at Podcastle

/ July 28th, 2013 / No Comments »

I was too buried in Kickstarter promotion and website building to signal boost this when it happened, so apologies for the lateness. Podcastle has posted an audio adaption of Kennenth Schneyer‘s much-praised short story “Selected Program Notes From the Retrospective Exhibition of Theresa Rosenberg Latimer”

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The CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 special signed edition continues its travels

/ July 22nd, 2013 / No Comments »

Here it is with Camille Alexa in Montreal, just prior to heading out for Tokyo. #SFWApro

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MYTHIC DELIRIUM is fully funded!

/ July 8th, 2013 / No Comments »

Last year, on the Monday before ReaderCon, I launched a Kickstarter to revive the Clockwork Phoenix anthology series. It went better than I ever could have dreamed. Today — on the Monday before ReaderCon — the Kickstarter to revitalize my other longtime publishing project, Mythic

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The jewelry pins for the Mythic Delirium Kickstarter in progress

/ July 8th, 2013 / 1 Comment »

So a year ago today, more or less, I launched my first Kickstarter, to make Clockwork Phoenix 4. And thanks to amazing support from this community, that ended up going really, really well. Today, my second and much smaller Kickstarter is less than $300 away

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